Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Wednesday 27 July 2016

By 08:46

I bet a lot of us has watched the movie Pirate of the Caribbean.
I loved that movie a lot and it would rank as one of my best movies so far.

But did you know that Johnny Depp (that is Captain Jack Sparrow character) was told that he was ruining the movie with the way he was acting?
The Disney executives actually told him that he was confusing them.

His response was epic! He told them that they should actually trust him or let him go!

Wow!!! He didn't 'beg'. He knew his worth and he was confident in himself that he knew what he was doing.
That made them trust him and honestly I can say the movies was a hit because of his role and the way he acted out his role.

I said this to say this, that there is something unique and special about you!
Yes you! Everybody under heaven created by God has something unique about them. You may not know that now but you are unique.

Find your uniqueness and stick to it.
Don't get caught up in the light of others that you forget to be you.

You are different and unique in your own way. Stick to it and make the most of that uniqueness while you can. There are a lot of people waiting for you. Waiting to receive that bit that only you can give.

Don't disappoint them, they are waiting for you.


Please feel free to share if this has blessed you!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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