Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Wednesday 27 July 2016

By 04:00

In today's world, some christians engage in a wrong habit that Paul frowned at in the church of those days. That is they tend to magnify the preacher above Christ. We see that a lot today. Some people have even taken it a step further, they go to a particular church because a particular pastor would preach that day or that sunday.
Don't get me wrong its good to love preacher and the way they share their message.

However, it soon becomes a problem when you start to feel or think that one preacher is 'important' or 'better' than another.
To drive this home better, let me tell you a conversation I had with a lady some years ago.
The lady in particular told me that she prefers the main church at the town where she was coming from to the branch church she was currently in and her reason was that in the main church the preacher does a lot of greek and hebrew deserting of the scripture and has a good command of English and other stuff while here the preacher just 'talks'. On a normal day the branch preacher preaches fine but since she was comparing everything was suddenly wrong with Him

I looked at her and said, as long as a preacher teaches God's word truthfully, and I hear God from his message,that would do! Because each preacher truly called of God has a certain grace upon his live to 'plant' God's word in the heart of men. And every preacher/teacher/pastor was given to the body for its edification. Not to make them our idol.

The Corinthians church fell into that trap too. Some said,I follow Paul, other said Apollos, and still others said Christ.
He then asked a question, is Christ divided? Or was it Paul or Apollos that died for you. He turned their focus away from themselves(preachers) back to Christ.

Every grace,giftings and ability to preach the word and teach in a great manner was given by God to those people. So don't let your focus be on the grace carriers or the gift carriers but rather let it be on the God that gives the gift. He gave those gift to people to enable them build his church not to take His place. Make sure you search your heart and find out where your worship truly lies. With God or with the preachers?

The next time you get tempted to magnify any teacher/preacher above Christ, don't forget that their job is just to 'plant' and 'water'. Our focus Should be serving the God that gives the increase.

Hope this was helpful?
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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