Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Tuesday 3 May 2016

My Birth.

By 22:48
You know I have always wished to be born elsewhere say America or probably Britain.
You know why? At least I would have a better place to use my talents and gifts for much rewards. I mean if I was a fashion designer for example,I would not struggle too much to get started. I heard of a 9 year who started a lemonade making industry with great support and encouragement from her parents. They encouraged her to do research on some things and Viola!!! The company was born.
There's an opportunity to grow in those climates and become useful.

I have always wished maybe I had different parents or should I say wealthier parents,and please don't get me wrong I love my parents and I'm glad I have them. But sometimes I wished I had parents who understood how to raise a child to follow their inbuilt passions.
Or better still I had wanted the circumstances of my birth to have been better. You know that scenario with a happy waiting father expecting his child to be born soon and was ready to celebrate when mother and child comes out safely from delivery room.

But No!!! None of that. But instead what I got was a father who was told "Na girl your wife born again" and he just took that moment to leave us in the hospital to probably die (still don't know why he did it) because he badly needed a male child . But he left us there until later. I was even told he went out to have fun with himself and his friends and forget his baby girl and mother at the hospital.

And you know this had made me wish I had better and other things. But I didn't and still don't have all yet.

But something strikes me about God and the birth of his Son in the book of Luke chapter 2,it talks about the birth of Jesus. Mary and Joseph had to go to another place because of the ongoing census, and that was the perfect time for sister Mary to go into labour. The shocking thing was there was no space to even put him so it had to be in the most unlikely place: in a Manger and that's a fancy word for where horses and other animals eat, poop and wee.

One would have thought with all the hype about a Messiah coming and a king being born that there would have probably been a grand reception for the child. But God allowed him to be born in a manger. Such Irony!!!!

Now here is my point:
It doesn't really matter the circumstances that surrounds your birth or how you were treated but what matters is who you are.
The fact Jesus that was born in a manger didn't mean he was less than the Messiah. The fact that you were born in a terrible way or the usual 'born by mistake' phrase doesn't mean you can't achieve greatness if you put your mind to it.

My advice:
Quit holding on to what could have or should have or would have been and find the purpose for your life and live it.
Live it to the fullest.
Just like God allowed Jesus to be born in a manger, he probably allowed yours too. And he did that to his Son Jesus to let us know that:

Where you came from doesn't matter as much as who he has made you to be and who you can become.

Put all your energy into finding purpose and fulfilling it.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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