Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Friday 6 May 2016

What do you see?...

By 15:24
My Boss recently had a meeting with a government agency and she insisted that I joined her.
Well with the kind of heat coming from the sun that can sufficiently roast yam,I was more than thrilled with the idea to join her at least I get to enjoy the car's air condition for 45minutes or there about.
We had asked for directions to get to the place from some people so we set out to get to the destination. On our way, she noticed that the car developed a little problem and she was disturbed. After complaining about Nigerian mechanics who 'fix' your cars and spoil another thing inside we continued our journey but in a wrong direction.
Her mind was so fixed on getting over and done with the meeting then getting home and dumping the car that she didn't know that she was actually driving herself home thinking she was still on her way to the meeting.
Her mind and body moved in the directions of her predominate thoughts. She soon began to laugh. I wondered why because to me we were still on our way to the meeting and I was busy looking for the sign board of the place.
So she said that she had moved in opposite direction and explained that her mind was so intent on going home and she didn't even realise she was actually going home rather than the planned meeting.
She apologised and we reversed the car and continued our journey(well the AC was still on so apology accepted even if we go in circles...the sun wasn't a better option lolzz)
Why am I saying this?
We unconsciously move in the direction of what we see in our minds eye.
Our eyes are given for us to see but our minds eye even have greater power. It has the ability to create and the ability to destroy. It has the ability to change the course of our lives or make us stuck were we are forever.

A pastor preached in church on day that he way driving and he had to stop for the traffic light. while he was there he remembered his friend and thought to himself that if he was going to his visit his friend today, he would have just taken the straight road after the lights turned green but he was actually going somewhere else which would mean making a right turn.
But his thoughts were still on his friend,and when the lights went green,sure enough he went straight and the realised he was supposed to turn right turn not take straight. He realised his mistake and had to go round to continue his journey.

What's in front of your eyes may be challenges,pain, hurt, betrayal and all but what you see with your mind's eyes makes all the difference.

The light bulb maker Albert Einstein failed for about a 100 times but he still saw the possibility of making the light bulb. I would have given up trust me,I mean 100 times? A lot of people would even help us explain the situation
"Maybe its not for" they'll say or

"God has forgotten" another would say and trust the Devil,he is so good with the ministry of interpretation.
He will start saying things like
"If God loves you why did he not give you money for your fees"
If God loves like you say he does why did he not help you pay your rent" and so on.
But God loved Jesus and yet he "Killed" him. The devil said at last we won but he had no idea that God was using his beautiful head to carry out his plan but devil didn't figure that out just like he pretty much can't figure ours too.

So my question today is what do you see? I chose to see what God sees,I chose to see light and I chose to see victory and since its my choice to make I chose life.

How about you? What do you see?...

Don't let what your natural eyes see get in the way of what your mind's eye can see, because its what your mind's eye see that get's you to your destination.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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