Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Wednesday 14 September 2016

NOTE TO Single Sisters

By 07:00

Most times I look at my husband and I can't help but be grateful and glad I married him. Not only because he's cute and all (trust me my man is a slayer #faintsjustthinkingabouthim...ok back to the point) but also because it doesn't take so much effort staying married to him.

I say that not because he's perfect or cos I don't get mad at him(if I say I don't get mad at him that would be a big chubby lie I just hate the word fat so chubby would do.lol) but I say that because we are moving in the same direction. So the friction on the way is not so much.

That brings me to one point for single ladies, you have to first decide were it is exactly you are going to.
Take time to discover yourself,the true you. What your purpose is.

For me, I have always LOVED music. I can remember when I was much younger and my neighbors wanted the correct lyrics of a song they would come and ask me for it,and anything I said it was, was correct for them well because I said it was(talk about a moving google lyrics browser. Lolz) ...music just pulls me.

So in my choice of the man I was going to spend my life with, I had to go with someone that loved what I do,would encourage and allow me blossom and what better answer to my prayer than God giving me a keyboard playing husband. Lol

My point is let your purpose be key in choosing who you would finally settle down with because you are going to spend the rest of your entire life with this person so you better chose wisely.
Don't be in a hurry or you would probably hurry out too. Take your time and ask yourself these questions:

Are we moving in the same direction? It may not be exactly same thing like my husband and I but does he appreciates what you do and he's a fan of it. If not please SHINE YA EYES WELL OH...

Alright that's all for now!
See Ya!

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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