Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Trials of Ugochukwu... (The final episode)

By 08:56
Hey peeps! I'm soooooo sorry for the delay in completing the story 'Trials of Ugochukwu.
NEPA has removed our area from their map and you know what that means right???
Yeah! your guess is as good as mine but anyway their plan will not work oh jare. Trials of Ugochukwu must end Lol, so here it is:
Trials of Ugochukwu continues
Ugo sat on the couch of his veranda. He looked around and for the first time after the whole incident, he thanked God for the gift of life.

Funny how a close shave with death made him value the things he had in his life most especially his family.
Its been about six month after the whole episode and he was still reminiscing.

On his wife's birthday, he had gotten a call from his mum that his children were involved in a fire accident at the house. His mum had gone to spread their wet clothes outside and his kids age six and four out of curiosity put on the self ignited gas cooker. They almost got killed in the process, they sustained about sixty-five degree burn and grandma's house was almost engulfed in flames if not for timely interventions from neighbors!!!

'Hmmm' he sighed
He was lucky that they survived! But their actions left some scars in his pocket that may take a long time to heal.
His finances still hasn't recovered from the whole episode.

And as if that was not enough, He got another shocker call some few days after.

His father had slumped and was unconscious!
He couldn't believe it.

'What was he supposed to do now?????
He spoke with his father a few days earlier and he sounded ok at least on the phone.

He didn't know how he was going to shuttle between attending to his children, his father and his office.

His office...
He sighed again

He got up from his seat on the veranda and walked around his compound... He did that a lot lately. He called it 'trying to cool off'. Those short walks had been a time to pray and just think, it had been really helpful.

The issues with his office caused him great pain.

Two of his staff had quit his firm to start up their own firm. That would have been a good thing knowing that he had trained people who could stand on their own but they left with what wasn't theirs.

They left with his top paying clients, that meant fewer monies were entering into his account as against what was formerly obtainable.

Confusion was his daily bread, he didn't know what to do. He had to sell up the Ad agency to off set some of the bills the events of the past months had incurred.

Sarah was his pillar of strength on those days, he often wondered how he would have coped without her...
There were days when he didn't feel like talking, days when he took out the frustration on her and apologized later.
And they were days too when all he wanted to do was cry and cry.
It must have been hard on her too. Not seeing him regularly and still not allowing her love for him to dwindle. It really takes a woman of strength to pull through that.

Now he was all the more glad that he had gotten married to Sarah.

She had look after the children at the hospital while he looked after his Dad and spent his finals days with him at the hospital. And then he passed on.

How he came out from all this ordeal a sane person was beyond his comprehension. But above all if there was nothing he learned, he learned that the things in these world are fleeting and at best temporal.
So instead of letting the fleeting things be his source of happiness, he would rather fix his gaze on the other things like being grateful for life, his wife and God his kids...

'Happy birthday Honey!'
Sarah said interrupting his thought. He had forgotten his birthday completely.
He smiled and looked at her
'I don't have anything fancy to get you but...'
He hushed her before she could continue, holding her hands her looked into her eyes

'You know what the best gift I have on this day?' He asked
'Its the gift of you as my wife. That is the best birthday gift ever'


What was your favorite part of the story?
Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading too!

Watch this space for more stories...

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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