Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Monday 7 November 2016

Trials of Ugochukwu continues...

By 02:51
Trials of Ugochukwu continues...

A month after the award night, Ugochukwu siting in his office could still play the whole scene in his mind and all that transpired that day. Even what happened later between him and his wife after his little work he had to do in his study.

'Life is good', he thought to himself.

Today, he was expecting a new client, that was referred to him by one of his long standing client. Since it was a referral, he knew he had to kill with his first impression or else he might not get the deal.

He adjusted his shirt for the third time that morning, he knew he dressed well but first impression mattered a lot.

Soon he heard a knock at the door. He quickly adjusted the files on his table, stole a quick glance at the mirror before walking to open the door.

He was expecting a woman in her mid- fifty but he was shocked at the sight before him and for ten seconds he just stood looking without saying a word.

Mrs Adams was the first to break the silence

'Hi, I'm Mrs Adams an intending Client' she said stretching out her hand for a hand shake.

'Linda!!!' Ugo called back at her and gave her a bear hug and loosened his grip
'Come in' he said directing her to come inside the office as he shut the door

She walked in and sat down waiting for Ugo! She already felt awkward. All she wanted was to get done with the deal and head back straight to her office.

When her boss told her she would be the one to negotiate with the Advertising agency she prayed it was not the one owned by Ugo. But now she had to face it or get queried at the office. That wasn't a better option.

'Long time Linda, how and where have you been' Ugo said immediately he sat down. She still looked beautiful as ever as for a moment he wished she was his wife. He swallowed to kill the thought from rising up.

'Well, I have been fine' she said with a smile obviously trying to hide her uneasiness.

'Relax Linda, its Ugo oh' he said sensing her discomfort.

'I'm relaxed, I just want to get done with this so I would head back to the office. I have a lot on my table' she lied.

'Ok' he said. So let's begin'

They soon became engrossed with the negotiations and counter negotiations until a deal was struck.
He was to deliver a sample advert for approval in a weeks time and then commence work when 70% of the money had been paid to him. During the whole negotiations, Ugo occasionally stole glances at her just to be sure he wasn't dreaming. Soon they were done.

'Alright, I should be on my way now' she said dropping the pen she used in signing the pre contract agreement.

'Yeah, you should' Ugo replied.
So do you want to maybe hang out sometime or something' he asked

'I thought you had a wife' she said standing up and walking towards the door.

'Oh yes I do' he said unable to stop steering at her
'Its just for a drink to catch up on our lives and family' he responded

'If it will be done with your wife and kids present and my husband and son present too, then that's ok by me' she said

'Oh ok, that's fine' he lied. I would work out a time and get back to you.

He opened the door for her and watched her walk away.

'Wait, I don't have your number anymore, how do I reach you to let you know when I have worked something out?' he asked

'You can come to the office, you have the address in the document I gave to you'

'Ok, thanks a lot'
She walked out and Ugo shut the door behind her.

Linda closed her eyes for a brief moment and breathed out, that was when she released that she has been holding her breathe the whole time...

'It was not as hard as I imagined' she said to herself.

Ugo tried hard to get the picture of linda his one time best friend off his mind but he couldn't.
She hadn't changed much except for tummy that was slightly protruded. Maybe nobody would have noticed it, but he did because it was Linda, his Linda.

He got up from his chair and paced around the office to try and compose himself, still no progress

'Maybe a glass of water would do' he reasoned
He walked to the mini fridge in his office to get a chilled bottle of water from it.

His phone rang and he quickly took the water from the fridge before checking who the caller was.

It was his wife.

Maybe he should just tell her' he imagined. No, I can manage' he concluded

'Hello Angel' he spoke into the receiver
She blushed on the other end before responding

'Hi Macho! She replied. Is everything ok over there? She asked

Yeah why?

Well I just had the strange feeling you needed to talk'

Hmmm!!! It never ceased to amaze him anytime she does that she was highly intuitive and that scared him sometimes. However, he wasn't going to bother her about this simple matter at least for once

'You always amaze me Sarah' he replied. Its nothing that I can't manage baby, I will be fine' he said.

'So has your long awaited client showed up yet?' She asked

He remembered he had told her about the expected visit.

'I just finished with the Client'. He wanted to tell her more but decided against it

'I actually wanted to talk with you' he lied

'I wanted you to know how lucky I am to be your husband and the father of our kids'

'Emmm Ugo' she said blushing again
'When you start this line of conversation, you know you are inviting trouble, and you know what I can do' she teased

Ugo smiled. Oh yes he knew

'Really? He asked 'please do your worse'

'That would be raping you, you mean?'
They both bursted out laughing and soon their conversation was over.
He loved his wife, she really was his friend that's the more reason he needed to get the image of Linda off his mind...

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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