Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Lady with an Afro...

By 02:35

As I hurriedly made my way to the office this morning, a pretty lady wearing an afro coming from the opposite direction caught my attention. The afro was nicely done and with the shape of her face,it looked perfect on her and then she walked past me...

I almost stopped walking.
In a split second I could perceive her cologne, I inhaled it and for one brief moment,I knew all was well with the world!

No this is not about her cologne or her afro or the fact that she was pretty, rather Its about a pressing issue in my mind and that is what kind of aroma exudes from us when people come in contact with us.
I don't mean the kind of perfume we wear but I mean how we treat and relate with people.

Do people leave us and desire to see us again or be with us or do they leave us and wish they'll never meet us again.
You know some people who are on either side of that scale,their vibes are either positive or plain negative

It may not be a one time meeting but people that we sometimes come in contact with on a daily basis.

What we focus on determines if we either become positive in our outlook of life or negative and that invariable reflect on how we respond/treat people

Sometimes we become so negative in our outlook of life that we let that negativity affect everything. Some people call it been real, but truly what you focus on becomes all that you see eventually, what you focus on becomes bigger and bigger as you keep looking

Try it briefly just focus your eyes on one spot for like a minute,soon that's all you would see, so if you focus only on what's wrong about a person or a situation, that would be all you would see...

So the question is: what do you exude and what are you focusing on?

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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