Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Friday 27 May 2016

The Wise Virgins

By 01:07
What differentiated the foolish virgins from the wise one in the parable that Jesus gave was the 'EXTRA' oil that the wise had and the foolish didn't have.

It seems that the wise ones knew there would be delay, so they planned ahead. They prepared themselves for any eventuality. They had a 'back up' plan.

Every person that accepts Jesus is considered a 'Virgin' awaiting The Groom's (Jesus) return. Doesn't matter what the past has been for you, or what you have done before,if you are now in Christ,you are a new creation. You now become his 'virgin bride' awaiting his return.

But from his story,not every new creation,tongue talking virgin bride would make it for his return. Those that would make it are those that have the EXTRA Oil in their lamps.

What does the extra oil mean then?
It certainly does not mean the Holy Spirit. Because if that were true,it would suggest that the Holy Spirit was not meant for every virgin bride of the Lord. The extra would mean something else then.

The extra is our own personal walk with God. The time we take out to study,to pray. The time we take to know him for ourselves and check our lives to see if we are living by his standards.

It will mean our walk with the Lord beyond the born again experience of making us his 'Virgin Bride' to walking with him and building a life with him.

Most of us just stop at been his bride but we don't make any effort to get extra with him. We spend most of our times with the world,browsing,friends e.t.c and we don't spend time to get the extra word,extra time,extra fellowship with the Lord.

One of the advice that a lot of us give to soon to be married couples is that they actually be first friends before 'lovers'. We tell them to get to know themselves,and what they like and do not like before they say I do.
That's a great advice.
And if that advice is anything to go by,it would mean we as Jesus' bride,preparing to spend our eternity with him must get to know him here first. Spend time with his letters,get to know the things he likes, get to find out his dislikes and check where you need to adjust.

Jesus 'proposed' to us and we accepted,so we have to spend time to find out about him,because he would eventually accept only those that he knows,those that have fellowshiped with him beyond the born again experience or should I say the 'accepting proposal' experience.
He said he will tell some people on the wedding day that he 'never knew them'(Mathew 7vs25). Wow!!!

Does that mean they didn't "accept his proposal" ? Oh yeah! They did. But he would say he never knew them because they didn't spend time to know him. He actually says that such people are workers of iniquity. So they accepted, but didn't get to know him.
They accepted him,but continued living without having his word as his standard. They served him the way they wanted,not the way He wanted to be served. They accepted his proposal but continued doing what they wanted not making him Lord of their lives.

Get to know him today, spend your time reading his letters and arranging yourself well. Spend your time getting the EXTRA oil, because in the end, that's what would make the difference.

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