Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Dear Mr. Husband (Episode 12)

By 15:22
I apologised to everyone for bringing in new episode slowly these days. I can't say there would be a change soon because its getting busier and busier for me by the day but I'm working on making it faster.
Hope you'll understand?
Dear Mr Husband (Episode 12)
'So I would love for you to help me advertise since I'm pretty new in town' Yusuf was saying

'Oh that would be great! it would really be a great honour to be part of daddy's day care this time around' she said a little shy.

'Great!, I'm glad you want to be part of it.

Yusuf was sitting directly opposite Clara and he wore a blue jean and a red t-shirt with a blue face cap. He was looking good and he smelled good too.

When he called earlier, he said he wanted to come see her but he wasn't sure he was at the right place. So Clara directed him to her office and since he was not too far away, it wasn't difficult for him to locate it.

When Clara ended the call, she moved into quick action to get her office tidy and herself ready.
First impression they say mattered a lot and although this wasn't their first time of seeing each other, it was the first time in a really long while.
She adjusted her hair again for the umpteen time that day and that was when she noticed she was really nervous about seeing him.

'What does he think of me now? Why does his opinion of me even matter?, why does he want to see me?' And many more questions were going through Clara's mind as she tried to steady her racing heart awaiting Yusuf's visit.

Soon there was a knock at the door and she knew it was him. She arranged her blouse again and stole a quick glance at the office mirror for the last time before opening the door.

She wasn't prepared for what she saw! She simply stood there motionless.

She didn't expect him to look this good. It was Yusuf quite alright but this look she hadn't seen. It was a whole new Yusuf, repackaged and rebranded.

Yusuf stood by the door waiting for her to let him in or turn him down. Instead all he got was a stare!

Her stare was enough to make him feel uncomfortable that he had to look around him to see if something was wrong with his outfit or hair or anything.

Heck! He felt a bit awkward.

He wondered if he over dressed for the occasion or something else was wrong.
he knew he had to say something.

'Hi! So can I come in?' He asked smiling in an attempt to bring her mind back from wherever it went and break the silence.

She didn't say a word. She couldn't! Instead she moved to hug him like a lost treasure she had finally found and he responded by hugging her in return.
His wore a nice cologne and it was really inviting.

'How are you Claire? That's the name he used to call her back in school and she felt endeared to him again.

'I'm good' she responded

'Please come in' she managed to say after releasing him from the long hug as she stepped aside allowing him to pass through the door

He walked in smiling and sat down on a seat Clara drew out for him while she sat on her seat opposite Yusuf.

She seemed to have lost her power of speech as she still sat looking at him. She still didn't know how to begin the conversation.

So many questions were going through her mind all out once. She needed to do something.

'So what can I offer you? She asked hoping it was a safe place to begin from

'I have juice, coke, water, malt and I could get something else if it not what you want' she offered

Yusuf smiled and asked for water only.

She knew that that would be his response. He always loved to drink water and Ada used to tease her those days in school by asking her how her fish was doing and by fish she met Yusuf. Her Yusuf!

She got a bottle of water from the mini fridge in her office and a glass cup and set it in front of him.

After he took his first glass, the conversation flowed between them and on and on they went until he told her his real reason for been in her office that day.

During the whole conversation, Clara could not help stealing glances at Yusuf especially as his 'Adam apple' went up and down as he spoke.

She was enjoying the conversation and wished he didn't stop. He always made her laugh and the way he talked about his dreams made her wish she could be part of it. He talked about his dreams like they were the only dreams available in the world. Even a doctor that had just saved a life couldn't be more happier than Yusuf was.

Her enjoyment was short lived as there was a tap on the door that brought a halt to their conversation.

Before she could say come in, the guest who turned out to be Ada walked in talking unaware that there was someone else in the office with Clara.

Then she saw him!

'Hey you! Ada called out to Yusuf smiling.

'A to the D to the A' Yusuf responded . That was how he always like to call her as her name was spelt in three letter words.

She smiled. 'You haven't changed much you know' she responded leaning on Clara's chair.

'Well, I can't help it' Yusuf responded smiling.

'So how's your husband doing and by the way, I'm really enjoying your story' he said in a matter of fact manner

'Really?' Ada asked giggling like a child
'Yeah, I am. Its teaching me more things than you can imagine' He said

'Hmmmm' Clara said talking for the first time since Ada walked in

'Things like?' She quizzed with her hands on her cheeks smiling at Yusuf.

Ada noticed how Clara was smiling whenever Yusuf talked.
She knew her friend and she knew what her smiling meant. She had to stop Clara before she did something she would regret.

'So what brings you to Clara's office' He asked

'Not like you can't badge in at anytime, I Know you guys are still like sisters'
Yusuf added sensing Clara's feigned frown on her face.

Ada laughed!
'I came to pick up more copies of Clara's Magazine. I have a Client itching to lay hold on the magazine so I thought to surprise her with it today' Ada responded.

'I guess, I'll just pick the magazine and head out then' she said walking to the pile of magazine Clara had in her office. she picked five copies from it.

'I took five Clara' she said turning to Clara and walking towards the door.

'I'll just go now'

Before she walked outside she turned to Yusuf and said

'Please Yusuf say me well to your lovely wife and two kids' Ada said with a smile and walked out of the door shutting it slightly.

Clara's eyes almost pulled out from her socket in shock.
She went dumb as the reality of Ada's statement hit her.

He was married afterall and there she was enjoying the conversation and thinking something good would come out from it for the two of them.

Yusuf sat back in his chair and watched the changes in Clara's mood as the bomb was dropped on her.

'She must really care a lot for him' he thought within himself.
'So it was true' she still liked him.

The smile on his face widened to Clara's surprise

'Why are you smiling?'She asked with a guarded look on her face trying as much as possible to conceal the emotions and the pain she was feeling knowing he belonged to someone else.

'No, nothing! Just watching you makes me smile and wish I could go out with you again.

'Yeah, save it for your wife and kids' she said underneath her breathe.

Someone badged into Clara's office and for the second time it was Ada.
She came in with a triumphant smile on her face.

'I told you! I told you!! You see I won and that lunch you promised for this must be bought with immediate effect' Ada announced raising her hands up in the air joyfully.

'Wait I don't understand! What's going on? a confused Clara asked looking from Yusuf to Ada and back to Yusuf.

'Uhmmmm...that I leave for my dear Yusufu to answer while I hit the road' Ada said sneaking out of the office before Clara could protest.

'I'm listening' she said turning and facing Yusuf with her hands folded.

'Ok! First of, There is no wife and kids'
He leaned against the table seperating him and said the next statement

'I care a lot about you Clara, but I wanted to be sure it was mutual so that I don't waste my emotions a second time.
So I contacted Ada first knowing she was still your best friend, please don't ask me how I knew, and then I told her about my feeling for you and how I still wasn't sure if I would be rejected a second time.
She then agreed to help me find out in an old fashion way so I would judge for myself if she was right by saying you still cared for me and I made a promise to buy her lunch if the she was right.'

'Yes, she didn't lie about coming to pick up the magazines, because there's actually a client of hers that needs them and also I didn't lie when I said I need your help to help advertise my work in you magazine. Let's just say I didn't tell you the whole truth about my coming to see you' he concluded.

'So does that explain everything now?
He asked with a guilty look.

Clara smiled! She made a mental note to scream at her friend another time. For now she let her mind savour the explanation Yusuf gave.

He was still available! That was a good start for her.

'So...' Yusuf began. But before he could continue.
Ada badged in again smiling.

'Please can we now go for that lunch now'

Those words sent the two of them to a round of laughter.


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