Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Thursday 27 October 2016

When sleep takes over...

By 06:01

I used to hear a friend of mine say that she wonders how some people can manage to sleep in a noisy environment, and whenever she said that, I would nod my head in agreement until it happened to me!

Back in the University, a couple of us went out to buy stuffs in bulk for the month from school and we stopped to blend the tomatoes and pepper.
And you know the 'Grrrrrrrr...' sound it makes when the engine is on. You will not believe that with all that noise Yours truly that was placed to 'guard' our tomatoes dozed off... And dozed off peacefully at that. lolzz.

You can imagine my embarrassment when I heard my name.
VERA!!!!!! are you sleeping with all the noise?

I couldn't even reply. Lolz
That's a sure sign that when the body says YES to sleep 'Nathing' can say No!

So I found this cute photos of some awkward positions that some kids took to sleep and I could not help but laugh at some and open my mouth in shock at others and I thought to share them with you.

So here the are.

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Sunday 23 October 2016

Short story: Neither Pagans nor Pigs by Thercee Murdee

By 22:05

The old man was looking very dejected. He wasn't exactly old. I would guess him to be in his late forties if asked his age, he approached me rather in slow motion and if not for courtesy sake, I would have just ignored him.

'Good day Sir' I finally greeted him when he got closer.

'My dear, how are you?'

'Fine sir' I replied. To avoid wasting time I asked immediately, 'is there a problem sir?'

I didn't know what exactly to expect as an answer, but just then he spoke

'I'm looking for an apartment. For months now I have been on the search all to no avail, the ones house agents have been showing me is more than I can afford. My land lady would have long kicked me out if not because of God and much plea as my rent has long expired. Please my dear do you know of any vacant apartment, at least let me check if I'll be able to afford it?'.

It was as if he was almost in tears, immediately my near arrogance turned to sympathy.

'You mean people still go through this ordeal?' I thought within myself.

'Sorry sir' I said compassionately. 'I think I can help you, but I just hope the help lasts long' I continued.

'What do you mean last long?' he asked as if frustrated.

'Let's walk down sir, I'll explain as we go on'
I began to tell the man the story I was able to gather all the while I've been living in the area.

'The house is actually the last one down the road, its a bungalow building but a combination of two flats. For a long time I'll say five years, more than 10 occupants have stayed and left, so its just the landlord and his wife and two teenagers left.

'Why? The man asked.

'We can't exactly tell', I continued. 'Those who lived in there hardly give us the full story when they come out. For a while, I heard it's because the wife of the owner is very wicked, then i also I heard that weird things happen there at night'.

'Ha!!!' The elderly man screamed and automatically stopped walking.

'Abeg oga, I'm in a hurry o, let's keep walking, we'll soon get there'.

At that the man moved on but his face still carried the shock.

'Sorry my dear', he said apologetically.

'As I was saying, I can't tell which of the story is true but I've been there a couple of times on an errand by my father and found nothing suspicious, though I've never been there at night. Believe me, they seem nice people, but you never can tell you know'

'Here's the place', I pointed to the white gate as we reached the house of the Folade's. It looked beautiful when you looked from outside, 'that's only the outside 'I reminded myself.

'Thank you' the man said coolly, his face wasn't looking as dejected as it was when I first saw him.

'I'll leave now. I wish you the best', I said as I walked away, leaving him to himself,' what will be his decision, given this story I just gave him?', I thought to myself in pity for his situation.
'Mum, I'm out' I called as I hurried out of the gate. 'I must meet Uju in her house today, I said to myself. Just as I stepped out of the gate I heard a voice few steps beside me saying

'hello!!' On turning, I saw a familiar face. The same stranger I had given the ancient story of the Folade's house to. He was full of smiles and this time was looking very well. He wasn't alone, looking at the woman by his side, you could tell that it was his wife.

With much surprise in my eyes I spoke at once

'Good day Sir, its nice to see you. This one you are around the area, does it mean what I think it is?'

'Oh yes,exactly what you think. I moved into the Folade's vacant apartment', Meet my wife by the way,' he said.

'Good day ma, I quickly greeted. Please I'll really love to hear your turn around story if you don't mind, I said.
'But we have to keep moving, I added. I'm in a hurry.

'Always in a hurry', the man said laughing.
'No problem, we are as well heading to the junction to get some things from Mama Chike's super market'.
That was the biggest and well stocked super market in my area.

'After you left me with the awful story', he began
'I still had to go and see things for myself given how desperate I was. As I got into the compound, I met both the man and his wife and shared my story with them. They were really sympathetic and immediately told me to move in. When I asked the cost, I was surprised to hear an amount half what I had been paying for years where I was living. To clear the air I told them what I learnt about people not staying long with them. My dear you won't believe what I heard from the horses mouth'. He fell silent.

'Please go ahead sir', I pleaded, 'remember I said I was in a hurry'
'My daughter, the truth is they had a strict tenant policy. Whenever they discovered any violation, they would refund what's left of the rent and send such tenants packing. Too bad, the number has been increasing'.

' Ehen??? 'what sort of policy is that?' I couldn't help but ask.

'Its simple,' he continued, 'Non acceptance of Pagans or Pigs. You can imagine people went as far as lying that they were christians, but you know its impossible to keep that lie for long. I am glad I'm not just a christian but by God's grace I'm a lover of cleanliness too. Nothing will make me leave there until God says its time. So that is it oo my dear'. He said on a final note

'Unbelievable!!' I screamed.

This time I was the one left standing in surprise.

'I'll see you around,' I heard him say as he left with his wife.
'And hope when next we meet you won't be in a hurry?' He laughed.

Hope you enjoyed it guys?
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


Friday 21 October 2016

A FireFlyStory

By 03:31

While we were growing up as kids, we were told never to kill a firefly or else we would weewee on the bed at night.

My God! I believed!!!, who wouldn't!

Because I mean who wants to weewee on the bed. If you had the kind of grandma I had growing up, "weeweeing" on the bed was an unpardonable and unforgivable offence. Not only would she give you a scar you won't forget in a hurry the dreadful part was her threat to tell your future children of the weewee episode. I mean nobody wants that. lolzzz.

But a couple of days back,my husband and I took a walk at about 6pm and on our way back home (that's after the suya buying and all. #winks) we walked through a path that had an amazing site.

The grasses by the path we walked through was lighted up by fireflies...
It was a beautiful site and with the kind of husband I married he caught two of them and took it home.

So I got curious(the usual me) and I found out some amazing facts about fire flies that I want to share with you.

1. The light they produce is actually a signal to communicate with themselves especially with their mates in courtship. Imagine that!!! And the funny thing is they have a variety of ways they do that. Either a steady glow, a flash or use of chemical signals
(Does that ring a bell somewhere???
Clue: female folks when she's interested or not...I didn't say a word .lolz)

2. They hibernate over winter and for some species they hibernate over a period of years. Wow!!!! Talk about science fiction movie.

3. Another crazy fact is that the light produced by the firefly is the most efficient light ever made.( God is just too AWESOME!!!)It has almost 100% of the energy in light. Our normal light bulb only emits 10% of its energy as light and the other 90%as heat. Hmmm... The Creator remains the best Creator ever.

4. Its has a variety of colours, yellow, light red, green and orange.

5. At a particular time of the year all the fire flies in a particular area simultaneously light up together. The reason for this is still unknown but it is speculated that this is done to identify their different species or to ward off predators from coming close... There is actually a place in America where people go at that time of the year to view that beautiful sight.

And finally it is NOT to be eaten! Its actually poisonous to predators because of the chemicals they produce Not like anybody would want to eat it though, so I'm just saying. Lolz

So which quality do you love most?

Hoping to hearing from you.

Sources: wikipedia and www.mnn.com
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Tuesday 18 October 2016


By 04:13

I saw these shoes and I'm like "Huh???
I know we should think outside the box and be creative and all but this is way overrrrrr the box. Lolz

What do you think of them shoes?
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Friday 14 October 2016


By 07:18
You won't believe that I just won me free airtime!!!!

Well yeah that may not mean anything to you but its friday Y'all and that sounds like a time to call family and friends. So if you want to be like me just go to jollof.com and sign up! Yeah its that simple! Sign up and you get a call and free airtime of your choicest network.

And oh by the way jollof.com is into tasty cuisines, fashion and it likes...
So what are you waiting for
Go sign up now and thank me later.
See you...
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Fw: Short story: Let it rain by Thercee Murdee.

By 02:54

Short story: Let it rain by Thercee Murdee.

'My daughter how is everything with you over there?'
Sarah's mum was on the phone again, making sure she kept her morning routine checkup. Its been over 8months since they last saw but there was hardly any day that passed by without them hearing from each other.

'Mum, I'm doing fine' Sarah replied. 'Hope you are okay yourself? She continued.

'I'm fine except that rain has started falling heavily down here and its not been easy coping alone with the leaking roof' her mum's voice turned low as she spoke.

Memories of the house flashed through Sarah's mind. How sad that her mother should be the only one going through the ordeal of the old and rough building that has been their home for years.

'Sorry mummy, don't worry, it will soon be over' that's all she could say to console her at this time.
She had decided to stop feeling frustrated at the thought of when it will all come to an end.

After the little chit chat about other things, the call ended, leaving her with greater desire to pray for strength upon her mother and eagerness to finally get to see her.

Her siblings stayed far away like herself.
'It's funny how life works' she thought 'first they were all toddlers, then teenagers who grew into youths and now adults almost no where to be found.
She was grateful to God that despite the distance and pursuit of goals, their hearts were very much united.


'So that's how this whole thing ends' Uju hugged Sarah as she spoke.

'I hope we see again' she continued.
'Me too' Sarah replied all the while thinking of her mum.

She was through with the 8months training, thank God it was all a success.

The journey home was short and smooth. She hurried into the compound shouting

'Mummy!!! I'm back ooo'. Immediately her mum rushed out with open arms and they hugged tightly. As she stepped into the house she was touched by her mother's love, everywhere in the home was screaming welcome including the bathroom and toilet. It was all sparkling. She took her bathe quickly. Lo and behold her mum was waiting for her with a sumptuous meal of banga soup and fufu.

She had thought she would sleep immediately, but it wasn't until 11pm before her eyes saw sleep. She and her mother talked and talked like friends who had not seen themselves for years.

By reason of their tiredness they both slept soundly and deeply. Not knowing that it rained though not heavily. Sarah woke up first and was about to ease herself when she saw the flood in their bedroom and sitting room.

First she was shocked that the sound of the rain didn't wake them up and then she began to comprehend fully what her mother had said over the phone. It was much more worse than when she was around.

Questions flooded her heart...

'You mean the situation is as bad as this and my mum is still able to maintain such joy, happiness and contentment? Just for how many hours, it seems it has been raining for days'

'Mama you are blessed' her thoughts continued.
'God knows I would have coped poorly if I were in your shoes. As she got lost in her thoughts, her mum walked in and it was to ease herself too. She expressed her surprise about the rain and smiled when she saw Sarah's gaze on the flooded room.

'My dear' her mother said, 'please don't worry. I'll clean it up'. It was then it dawned on Sarah that life is indeed a matter of choice. No matter the situation, how you react is up to you. Just then one of her best song-'let it rain' by a Christian musician Michael smith came to mind. she smiled to herself and hummed it as left for her initial mission upon waking up;to ease herself.


P.S: This is a true life story.

Hope you enjoyed it.


Friday 7 October 2016

The Story of US

By 11:23

Hello everyone!
A couple of you may probably have read the story already.
For those who haven't, this is a story about our marriage journey so far as a couple. it details our struggles and joys.
Hope you enjoy it and most importantly, we hope it inspires you.

So... Here it is

He that finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord". That was it! The promise that emboldened me, that intoxicated me with optimism and stirred up hope and drive in me.
Six months earlier, I told myself that I would have nothing to do with any woman until after five years due to break-ups I had in my past two relationships. The experience made me feel that I was not good enough for any woman, no matter how cute and kind they professed I was, they just left because I was not a 'hard man', I didn't have a good job and of course, I was broke!

As a graduate of the department of Fine and Applied Arts, *** University, I took up two part time jobs to teach fine art in two private schools so as to enable me have time to do my personal works on art. The very first day I stepped into the church auditorium where I now worship with saints, I saw the beautiful girl who eventually became my wife and I knew by inward witness that she would be my partner for life. I knew I should get married despite not having everything I needed yet, but I was certain that I would eventually be successful because I genuinely love and trust God and I have the talent, abilities and relevant information to be successful. When I started dating my wife, there was a strong conviction that I was not just attracted to her at first sight. Our meeting was a divine arrangement.

This is her part of the story…

Two weeks before I met my husband, God had told me that he would send someone my way and that person will eventually help me achieve the work He had ordained me to do. I was glad, I became circumspect and on the look out so I wouldn't miss him when he comes. I was expecting to see an "already made, tongue-talking, jeep riding, duplex owner" guy (funny how the mind works…I'm sure God must have laughed at me plenty times), but instead I saw a tall, handsome, slim, face cap wearing, book loving guy (who would eventually become my husband), walked into my office and said he wanted to buy a book (I was working in a bookshop at that time). Unknown to me, he had seen me in church singing and playing my guitar.
Eventually, we got talking and he promised to come back the next day to buy another book that was not available in the office. He came the next day and the day after that. And our friendship grew.
I noticed that while we talked, we could connect and flow in our conversation on virtually all subjects of discussion. Despite the rapport, I kept my distance because I wanted to be sure this was the "Him" I was to expect. I didn't want my emotions to cloud God's voice and my reason.
I still wanted to be double sure even when I discovered he was the one. So I took him to my mentors and some trusted friends and for the first time, they gave someone I 'liked' a pass mark. And then we got married…

One would think that because we had God's approval, our lives should suddenly become blissful, but that's not what happened. We were living in a one-room apartment when we got married with nothing much and we stayed there for some months until we eventually moved to a two bedroom apartment in that same compound. The landlord suggested we move into the apartment after the tenant there left the compound. As time went by, my husband's job was not constant as before. He quit the part-time teaching jobs he was doing in order to have more time to do his art works and painting of buildings. Money was not coming in as before and things got so difficult to the extent that we could hardly feed and being a young lawyer, I was earning stipend as salary (My boss actually told me it was transport allowance, not salary). It was during our scarcity experience our son was born. Although he's a gift from God, we often wondered how we were going to keep him alive when we could hardly feed ourselves.

Back to my husband's narration of our experience…

I sat down on the floor one day with tear-soaked eyes, and mind filled with accusation. I was angry with God for asking me to stop working at those schools. Yes! I mean it, I will not lie at God because I know how he speaks to me. I've had conversations with Him and seen the result of things He told me about. I was very, very sure He told me to stop working in those schools and focus on my art work solely. It didn't make sense to me. Stop work? How would I survive with a pregnant wife? How would I pay my bills and feed my family?
"I will take care of you" was the answer I heard.
"What do you prefer? To make money, or to fulfill purpose?"
"But God", I whimpered, "how will I survive? I need the money to fulfill purpose".
"If you follow me, money will follow you". Was the response I got. I felt foolish, lazy, impractical and irresponsible. Who would understand? Nobody understood. My pastor asked me, "how can God who created man and put him in the garden to work, tell you to stop work?" I couldn't answer him but I went back to God and asked him the very question my pastor asked me, and He said "Adam did not work for any man" God put Adam there to work, care for and supervise the place from which he would be fed. Adam was like an entrepreneur. None of all these even made sense to me, but I had to give it a try reluctantly. When I told my Mum, she said "Even if you want to become full-time minister, work for one or two years, or establish a business first". My wife said if I heard God, I should go ahead. I got her support. I made the hard decision because I was sure God spoke, it was bitter in my mouth and painful to my flesh. Sometimes in life, God doesn't make sense and I think He loves and enjoys not making sense so that we would know how "Godful" He is and learn to fully trust in him and not lean on our own understanding, talent, abilities, experiences, skills, certificate and education. I got jobs to paint some client's houses. Money came from the jobs and I was able to pay my bills for some time. Other Clients did not pay and jobs were not coming again.
About eight months after our son was born, things started to get worse. We were unable to pay our house rent. Our landlord was upset and asked us to evacuate the apartment as we couldn't pay for four months. We pleaded and asked for time to enable us put things in order but all our efforts were to no avail. I was confused because I couldn't understand how God would give an instruction and a promise and back off. I began to think it had nothing to do with God. "Maybe it was my mind" I said to my self.
The money some clients were owing me would have been enough to pay up my rent and I would have had enough to spare, but they just didn't pay.

My wife has these to say:

I was tempted to feel angry at God and my husband. I was tempted to transfer the pain I felt to him, I was tempted to think maybe marrying him was a mistake, but I tried with God's help not to let those thoughts stay. We didn't know where to go or what to do. We knew we had to move but to even pay for a truck to move our property was tough. I made up my mind that even if we literally moved to the uncompleted building close to us, I would not give in and start complaining.
Being a breastfeeding mother too made it worse as the little food I would eat, our son would suck me dry (you know how that can be). Depression was always knocking at my door wanting to come in, but when I'm alone at the house, I would back my son on my back and sing and sing praises to God and worship. If I was going to die in the situation, I would rather I die in faith than out of it. The temptation most times is to forget all that God had done for you in time past and just think of only what you're going through now but worshiping God in the midst of the pain helps you shift focus from you to God.
To cut it all short, we moved to a wonderful couple's house in church who had earlier invited to spend the weekend at their place but were unaware of our house issue. We got there and explained our situation to them. They agreed to let us stay till we got our own place.

One Sunday afternoon, after about  three weeks of living with them, we saw several missed calls on our phone from some people in church. A brother had been looking for us and he didn't know where we were staying anymore, hence he called several people until he got our current location. He came to beg us to move into the vacant apartment in his compound. He told us that three months prior to this time, God had told him to give us the place but he was hesitant thinking that if we had issues with our house we would let him know. But that Sunday he just couldn't rest until he saw us. We told him that we may not be able to pay right now as we haven't gathered enough resources and he told us that he wasn't interested in money, he was interested in his obeying God and getting his peace back. WOW!!!
We couldn't believe it! Just like that…
And that was how we moved in to the place some days later. Though it's a one bedroom apartment but it's a sure sign that God has got our back. That's where we are now, it may be small, but it's our days of little beginnings and we have forever to go. And I know that with God on our side, we would scale through mountains and come out as champions.

We have discovered through this experience that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. God is the great architect, the master strategist and perfect helper. We do not have everything we need yet, but we appreciate God each day for helping us trust him more, having faith and confidence in Him like never before. Through this experience, we have been able to discover our writing skills, I now have a blog and I do things that gives me fulfillment. My husband on the other hand, learnt how to produce paint and we are both writing our books. We have grown In love, patience and faith than when we first married because our focus is on God's word, not on food, clothes, or shelter(which on their own are good and necessary) we don't pursue shadows any more, we desire, seek and pursue the divine and eternal maker.

That's our story!!! Hope it inspires someone.

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