Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Friday 21 October 2016

A FireFlyStory

By 03:31

While we were growing up as kids, we were told never to kill a firefly or else we would weewee on the bed at night.

My God! I believed!!!, who wouldn't!

Because I mean who wants to weewee on the bed. If you had the kind of grandma I had growing up, "weeweeing" on the bed was an unpardonable and unforgivable offence. Not only would she give you a scar you won't forget in a hurry the dreadful part was her threat to tell your future children of the weewee episode. I mean nobody wants that. lolzzz.

But a couple of days back,my husband and I took a walk at about 6pm and on our way back home (that's after the suya buying and all. #winks) we walked through a path that had an amazing site.

The grasses by the path we walked through was lighted up by fireflies...
It was a beautiful site and with the kind of husband I married he caught two of them and took it home.

So I got curious(the usual me) and I found out some amazing facts about fire flies that I want to share with you.

1. The light they produce is actually a signal to communicate with themselves especially with their mates in courtship. Imagine that!!! And the funny thing is they have a variety of ways they do that. Either a steady glow, a flash or use of chemical signals
(Does that ring a bell somewhere???
Clue: female folks when she's interested or not...I didn't say a word .lolz)

2. They hibernate over winter and for some species they hibernate over a period of years. Wow!!!! Talk about science fiction movie.

3. Another crazy fact is that the light produced by the firefly is the most efficient light ever made.( God is just too AWESOME!!!)It has almost 100% of the energy in light. Our normal light bulb only emits 10% of its energy as light and the other 90%as heat. Hmmm... The Creator remains the best Creator ever.

4. Its has a variety of colours, yellow, light red, green and orange.

5. At a particular time of the year all the fire flies in a particular area simultaneously light up together. The reason for this is still unknown but it is speculated that this is done to identify their different species or to ward off predators from coming close... There is actually a place in America where people go at that time of the year to view that beautiful sight.

And finally it is NOT to be eaten! Its actually poisonous to predators because of the chemicals they produce Not like anybody would want to eat it though, so I'm just saying. Lolz

So which quality do you love most?

Hoping to hearing from you.

Sources: wikipedia and www.mnn.com
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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