Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Dear Mr. Husband (6)

By 00:34
Dear Mr. Husband (6)

September 15, 2002!

'Ahh haaaa!!! Its so painful! I can't take this anymore oh! I can't ! I can't! can't' I screamed in between breathe

I slapped Uche for the third time that morning and I knew he wasn't enjoying it. I was the one going through the pain and he had no idea what I was feeling. It was like all my bones were breaking at the same time.

'Ha!!! I screamed louder again! It was not getting easier at all and all Uche could do was hold my hands and say sorry baby, sorry!

I slapped him again, this time he wanted to protest, he looked at me and decided otherwise.

I was in real pain! Real labor pain. Our daughter was to arrive the next day but changed her mind and decided to come today, I had no idea she was such in a hurry to get here.

I had woken up in the middle of the night feeling restless and Uche had tried to calm me down,nothing was working. I decided to walk around a little and it happened.

My water broke!

Uche stood there speechless, starring at the water on the floor and looking at me.

I wanted to drag him to get up and do something, my pain made me just say muffle words.

I manage to scream out his name and ordered him to take me to the hospital.

I have never seen him this confused the way he was that night.

He suddenly didn't know where his shoes were or what he was to do altogether.

I laughed in my mind at the way he kept dancing around. I knew he couldn't do this alone, this was his first experience and been an only child he had never experienced any of it.

I had to call someone. I called his mom and she promised to be on her way any minute.

'Uche what are you doing?' I asked seeing him still going from place to place.

'Ada, to be honest eh, I don't even know what I'm doing'

I laughed out so loud that at first he was afraid, he soon joined in the laughter at himself.

Now I had something to use in teasing him back.

But the teasing may have to wait a while because our daughter was not waiting for anything.

Ah!!! I screamed holding my waist.

Soon his mom was around with a taxi she could get and I was rushed to the hospital were I registered for anti natal and was taken straight to the labor room.

It was a private hospital so Uche was allowed to stay with me for a while.
That's was when the whole slapping episode began.

Ok let me confess there was one time I slapped Uche intentionally ok let me be honest, more than once.
I would tell him that later, I'm sure he would forgive me afterall I gave him a wonderful daughter some time later.

'Madam' the nurse in charge of my case was saying 'how are you feeling?' She asked

'Its painful' very painful' was all I could reply

'I know' she said rubbing my back
'the doctor will soon be here.'
And almost immediately, a doctor probably in his mid-fifties walked through the door.

'I am doctor Ahmed' he said to me and my husband bringing his hands to shake my husband.

'I have to check how CM dilated she is' he explained

'Oh ok' my husband replied adjusting his seat a little so the doctor could attend to me.

The doctor wore his gloves and was about to put his hands in my virgina to check me when my husband shouted.

'Doctor what are you doing? Uche asked with all the seriousness and surprise he could muster

The doctor without show any surprise obviously used to handling such people smiled to calm uche's nerves and continued with his work

'I want to check how far dilated she is to know what to do next, there's no other way to find that out expect I inspect it with my hands and trust me, I don't find this part interesting either' he explained all the while turning his hand inside of me.

'I have a wife too you know, when she was about to be delivered of all our four children, I had to allow someone else do this, so I can understand your frustration' he said and that made Uche relax a bit.

'Madam, you're doing well' he said smiling at me 'you're almost there'

Another round of pain swept through my body and I could hardly think straight again, I just kept screaming and pulling my hair and shouting the words 'Ewo! Ewo!! Ewo oh!!!'

I made a mental note to flog this child after she was born because of the stress she was allowing me go through. I mean I knew she wanted to come out badly but why do all these gymnastics???

It didn't take long after that, I was delivered of a beautiful girl who came out smiling and we named her Chisom.

I can't remember seeing my husband ever crying, today I saw him cry as he held his first fruit in his arms and cuddled her.
I was completely exhausted but that sight before me made me smile and for a brief moment all was right with the world.


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