Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Dear Mr. Husband!

By 01:17
Sorry for the delay in posting episodes Its honestly not so easy with my job and life generally.

There are days I just stare at the story and can't type and all I want to do is just rest!!!!
Hope you understand?
Thanks for your patience
Story continues below

Ada story continues

October, 2001

Ten months afterwards, hubby was already complaining about my food.
He didn't say it wasn't sweet. He said he was tired of the same menu over and over again.
He needed something new, something exciting if I'm to use his words.

Let's simply say, I'm not so great a cook, I manage to throw in some things together and come out with something fantastic. While other times, I go with a boring routine of making anything as long as it can pass through your mouth.
However, since almost everything in life is learned, been a great cook had to be learned too

I had to keep an open mind to learn all that life had to offer. I was determined to be a better me!

Initially, I was tempted to feel bad again and go
'if you need something new, cook it or better still eat it outside'

You know how people say they have two minds: the good one and the bad one (never mind, maybe its peculiar only to the female folks)

My good mind said: 'why don't you try something new?'

My bad mind said: 'something new kwa? Cook your normal food jor' , he will eat it like that'

I was torn in two. The good and bad mind kept arguing within themselves.

I decided to go with the good mind and in such desperate times as this mama's secret recipe passed on from generations never fails. Her's was found in an old cook book

I had one copy.

When my mum handed it over to me, I thought I would never be needing it. I thought wrong.

I went to my library and dug out the old looking cook book.

It had accumulated dust from lack of use, that was about to change.
I flipped through the pages hoping to find something that would inspire me.

No long afterwards, I found one
It was called Spaghetti surprise.

'Who uses spaghetti to throw a surprise' I wondered within me. I was about to find out.

I went to the page and read through it. It looked pretty easy and since I had all the ingredients from green peas to carrot to cabbage and green pepper, I decided to go into action.

Forty five minutes later I was done cooking and the site before my was too beautiful to behold.

I realized that the 'good mind' was right after all, I was glad I followed the option to learn.

Loving Uche was not going to be difficult as I was made to believe.
I had a secret fear inside me while I was getting married and that was that I was going to lose myself and be Uche's complete slave.

On the contrary, loving Uche had made me a better me. It had opened my view of a lot of things and my perspective in life generally.

I quickly tidied up the kitchen. Uche must not meet me smelling of oil. I hurried off to the bathroom, had a quick wash and wore something alluring.

He wanted a different meal. He was in for another special something too.
I wore my short and a sleeveless top and wore my secret perfume, the one that doesn't leave your skin no mater how much you sweat.

He had no idea what was about to hit him.
I smiled at my secret plan

Some moments afterwards, someone opened the gate. I peeped to check who it was.

It was him! I was excited

'Is that aroma coming from your kitchen or the landlord's own? Uche asked as he opened the door.

The sight before him made him stand on his tracks. He giggled like a two year old.

'You look inviting' he managed to say with excitement written all over him.

'Really? I replied. Would you want to eat first or do what's on your mind? I asked smiling

'Now I'm confused' he said taking off his clothes and running off to the shower.
'Give me five minutes and I'll decide'

My plan was working.

He was out faster than I could say Jack! Maybe the time in his head works faster than the one on the wall clock because in less than a minute he was out of the bathroom and from the look in his eyes, I knew he was ready to devour me and I him.

After our hot session, I served his food on the dining and watched him take the first spoon.
From the looks on his face, I could tell he was loved it.

I was right!

'There's something you're not telling me' he managed to say with food in his mouth.

'What?' I asked

'Where did you learn to cook something like this?'

'Are you saying I'm not a great cook' I asked feigning anger.

He smiled! He knew my game! At the end of which he had a ready 'I'm sorry' at hand to give to me

I braced my shoulders ready to receive the apology. Even if he didn't do something wrong his apology always made me feel good! Like I was his child. Yeah, I was his baby afterall.

'I'm sorry, I never said you dint know how to cook' he said with a smirk on his face

I laughed.

'Its an old family recipe' I said slyly

'Please throw in some more of those recipes' he said

I watched in satisfaction as he continued with his food!

And I realized that loving someone else other than yourself brings joy to the heart if you're willing to take the risk of finding out what the other person wants...'

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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