Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Monday 15 August 2016

My FiShtory(2)

By 21:42

The last time we talked about fishes,it was the crazy horse fish that the male carries the pregnancy, now allow me to introduce to the new meaning of weird... It goes by the name PARROT FISH!

Its so called because of the way its dentition is and its mouth is shaped. Its shaped like that of a parrot. However that's not what is weird about it. Here are some weird fact that will leave you shouting OMG!!!

1. The majority of parrot fish species begins their life as females and then changes to males while other species develop from male juveniles to female adults.
Chai!!!! Automatic transformation (some people go shout obanje!!!! lolzzzzz)

That's really weird right? But that's not all

2. They poopoo (waste) is sand! Yeah white beach sand. They eat rock in the ocean(actually, its the algea on the rock that's their interest but they just go for the whole thing rocks included...well who cares! Their teeth actually allows it. Lolz) and after they digest the edible portions from the rock, they excrete it as sand, helping to create small islands and the sandy beaches of the Caribbean. In fact, according to Wikipedia, some parrotfish can produce 90 kg (200 lb) of sand each year.

Want more weird stuff? Check out this last feature

3. Prior to going to sleep, they wear pajamas!
Yeah that's right! some specie produce mucus from their mouths, forming a protective cocoon that envelops the fish, presumably hiding its scent from potential predators.
This mucus envelope may also act as an early warning system, allowing the parrotfish to flee when it detects predators.

And just before you think that this weird fish cannot be eaten,allow me to shock you further!

It tastes Yummy(according to people that have eaten it) they actually Babercue or deep fry it.

God is just awesome.!

So the next time you are on a beach lying on a white beach sand remember that that's some fishes poop you're laying on. Lolz

Enjoy your day!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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