Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Wednesday 31 August 2016

All that counts...

By 05:05

I know I should be putting out a lot of stuffs on my page, post stories, write and do so many other things to get people to read and enjoy. You know to get traffic, follower, have an online presence and even start earning money from all that but...

I don't!

Yeah! I don't At least not all the time.
And here is why:

I don't just want to focus all my energy in building a blog and online friends and neglect the friends I can see, neglect the ones close to me. Because truth be told,I could have a million followers on the various social media and have none to rely on when I need to cry (I just love to cry sometimes...(Bag of tears)lolz). I don't want to sacrifice my 'physical' relationships for the online ones and have no one to rely on when I need it the most.
I love to connect with friends online! Oh yes I do, but when I have to choose who to spend more time with,I would choose those around me because they are more tested hence can be trusted
So I would ask you this question:

Hope you don't spend all your time on the Net and neglect the Nest of reliable friends around you.
Build real relationship,invest in them because truth be told that's all that would matter some day.

Meanwhile, stay tuned for more WOW stories coming shortly.


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Tuesday 23 August 2016

A SaLtStory

By 14:03

That right there is one of my favorite meal. Yam and oil, and to make it complete, add salt to the oil. The feeling you get from eating is second to none...its indescribable! In fact, its one of the many wonders of the world. lolzzzzz

I wish this post was about yam and oil, but Nah!!! Its not about that at all. Its about SALT! Yeah salt.

Aside the fact that salt adds taste to meals, there are some other fascinating uses of salt I would love to share with you.
So, fasten your seat belt and let's ride!

1. Deters Ant:
Number 1 on the list of fascinating uses of salt is that it can be used to deter ants. All you have to do is sprinkle it in door ways,on window sills and anywhere else ants use to sneak into your house, its a sure way to keep them out
P.S. I tried this one my self today and it worked like magic. Any kind of ant,they just 'kent' deal! Lolz

2. Kills grass and weeds:
Those weeds growing in cracks in your driveway,if you are tired of weeding them out, sprinkle salt on the grass and pour hot water over it.
P.S.S not only is it an highly effective way to kill unwanted plants,its also eco friendly and cheap.

3. Soothe a bee sting:
Wet the sting right away, then cover it with salt.

4. Say good bye to fleas:
If your dog has fleas,simply wash their dog house and blankets in salt water. And if you are worried your dog may have brought fleas into your house, then worry no more. Simply sprinkle your carpet lightly with salt and then brush it in. Leave it for 12 hours and vacuum thoroughly.

5. Pick up a dropped egg:
If you drop an egg on the kitchen floor, sprinkle salt on the mess and leave it there for 20 minutes, you will be able to wipe it right up

6. Drip proof candles:
If you soak new candles in a strong salt solution for a few hours,then dry them well, they won't drip when you burn them.
(These days when NEPA no longer works but PHCN(please hold candle now), this should be a welcome development. Lolz)

So go try it out and let me know how it worked for you.

See ya!
Source: http://didyouknow.org
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Wednesday 17 August 2016

For YouR LauGhing Pleasure

By 02:49

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Tuesday 16 August 2016

For your laughing pleasure...

By 01:39

This got me bruhahahahah...please don't tell my Husband (winks)...
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Monday 15 August 2016

My FiShtory(2)

By 21:42

The last time we talked about fishes,it was the crazy horse fish that the male carries the pregnancy, now allow me to introduce to the new meaning of weird... It goes by the name PARROT FISH!

Its so called because of the way its dentition is and its mouth is shaped. Its shaped like that of a parrot. However that's not what is weird about it. Here are some weird fact that will leave you shouting OMG!!!

1. The majority of parrot fish species begins their life as females and then changes to males while other species develop from male juveniles to female adults.
Chai!!!! Automatic transformation (some people go shout obanje!!!! lolzzzzz)

That's really weird right? But that's not all

2. They poopoo (waste) is sand! Yeah white beach sand. They eat rock in the ocean(actually, its the algea on the rock that's their interest but they just go for the whole thing rocks included...well who cares! Their teeth actually allows it. Lolz) and after they digest the edible portions from the rock, they excrete it as sand, helping to create small islands and the sandy beaches of the Caribbean. In fact, according to Wikipedia, some parrotfish can produce 90 kg (200 lb) of sand each year.

Want more weird stuff? Check out this last feature

3. Prior to going to sleep, they wear pajamas!
Yeah that's right! some specie produce mucus from their mouths, forming a protective cocoon that envelops the fish, presumably hiding its scent from potential predators.
This mucus envelope may also act as an early warning system, allowing the parrotfish to flee when it detects predators.

And just before you think that this weird fish cannot be eaten,allow me to shock you further!

It tastes Yummy(according to people that have eaten it) they actually Babercue or deep fry it.

God is just awesome.!

So the next time you are on a beach lying on a white beach sand remember that that's some fishes poop you're laying on. Lolz

Enjoy your day!
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Friday 12 August 2016

MeMoirs of A First Time Mummy(3)... Naming ceremony gone wrong!

By 16:23

One of the things I loved about my son when he was pretty over a year old was the fact that he remembered the names of things we had called them.

An example is when we see a moving car, he points and says 'Car' or if its a bicycle, he points and says 'bicycle'. It was fun! Knowing that he remembers the name was fulfilling.
But there was an incident where such 'naming ceremony' went wrong.

I was at the bank with him to wrap up a business registration for a client and the cashier told me to step aside a little while she attends to other customers and me simultaneously since network that day was a bit poor. So we stepped aside and let others join the queue. And then it happened!

A dwarf steps into the line next and my son saw her and pointed 'BABY'.
I died!
I turned my face away,hoping he would forget or get distracted but Nah! His level of concentration that day was at its peak.

What was I to tell him? How was I to explain to him that the Dwarf standing in front on us was not a 'baby' but a married woman(saw the ring on her finger) and probably a mother of kids old enough to be my age.

He didn't give up! He just kept pointing and calling 'baby'. (He called her baby because she was closer to the ground like him and well other babies too) When he noticed I was ignoring him, he turned my face to his with his hands and said "Mummy",then he pointed at the lady "baby". Hmmmm...

We were in luck as the "baby woman" didn't seem to notice what was going on.
I forgot to add too that my son has a rather loud voice. When he cries you hear him from afar and when he talks, same thing.
I'm pretty sure an angel must have helped us that day because the lady just didn't seem to notice the reference to her as a baby.
I was finally able to distract from that by putting his favorite cartoon on my phone for him.

Chai!!! That's how we would have embarrassed somebody's wife now or better still received a slap for our naming activities.
Well for the records,it never happened again. Maybe because we hadn't seen any again to name. Well till then...

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Thursday 11 August 2016

FooD SenSe... Chocolate banana bread

By 05:06

Do you have an overripe banana and you are thinking of throwing it away?

What of if I told you that you can still put that overripe banana into good use?

Yeah! You can use it to make chocolate banana bread

Here is what you would need and how:


230g All Purpose Flour, 3 ripe bananas, 30g Cocoa, 200g Sugar, 1tsp Baking powder,1/4 tsp Baking soda, 113g Melted(and cooled) Margarine/butter
2 eggs, 85g Chocolate chips(optional)

How to make it:
1. Place all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. 

2. Mix well....and set aside 

3. In a smaller bowl, mash the bananas using a fork... 

4. try and to make it smooth as possible

5. Next add the eggs

6.And finally the melted margarine

7. Mix everything together to form the liquid to add to the dry ingredients

8. Add the wet ingredients to the dry

9. When mixing, start by a gentle mix to avoid the flour from messing the surface

11. If using chocolate chips, add them now. You can also add chopped nuts

12. Give it a final mix.

13. Line a baking tin with grease proof paper.....It makes it easier to remove the cake when done. 

14. Pour the mix into your baking tin

15. Smoothen the top....

16. Place into a pre heated oven(180ºC) and bake until ......the cake has a cracked dry crust and a toothpick inserted comes out dry

Gotten from: Chef Raphael on facebook.
You can like his page too for more amazing recipes...


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The Lime Experiment...

By 02:50
Lately my deodorant got finished and been the kind of spender I can be, I forgot to plan towards buying it, my money for toiletries had finished.

What was I going to do?

For the records, I'm on the big side, No chubby side (please don't call me fat...its actually an offense in the Nigerian constitution. Forgotten what section that is now...lolz). Anyways, because of my size,it meant I sweat a lot and my armpit produces bulk of that sweat.
What that invariably means is it smells most times( that a nice word to describe the odour that it produces). it made me fill a bit uncomfortable when I have to do something that involves meeting people on a sunny day.

I had to find a solution before I got my next deodorant. And I found me a solution.


Yes lime! Because of the level of acidity that it has,it actually kills the bacteria that comes out from your armpit. Its actually the bacteria that produces the smell. So you still sweat, but you don't smell. Get a lime, cut it into two and rub under your armpit or better still squeeze out the juice from it and apply under your armpit. I know you would be wondering, lime ker? Yes lime. Thank God for natural solutions(I actually hailed God again when I found out this answer)
But If you're still not sure, check out this site: http://bodyunburdened.com/lime-experiment or better still just google it and thank me later.

So the next time you are in my kind of 'finished deodorant can't buy now' situation, get you some lime cut in half and rub in your armpit and trust me,it works WELL!!!

A little warning though,it might sting if you just shaved but aside that, you are good to go.

So what are you waiting for! Go try it out.
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Tuesday 9 August 2016

By 08:59

For most of us,like former me, our idea of fish is limited to the very popular ones like Tilapia, Catfish( I actually love this one to pieces especially when used to prepare spicy peppersoup in a cold day, you know what I'm saying .lol), Scubian, Shark(people actually eat it oh!) Mackerel and a couple of other.

However I would like to introduce you to a very fascinating type of fish.
Its called HORSE FISH.
Allow me show you some of its amazing qualities

1. It is the male that bears the unborn babies. Yeah you just read that! When the male and female mate, the female deposits her eggs in the pounch(acts like a womb) of the male and the male carries them and 'delivers' them when its time.

Weird right? Wait for No. 2

2. They mate for life. Only one partner for life, no girlfriend, no side chicks. Lolz. They practice monogamy to its core.

3. With their tiny little fins that is used in swimming they flutter 35times in a second. Wow!!!! And as if that is not enough here comes the shocker

4. They swim upright rather than horizontally.
And also they have independently moving eyes.
Wow!!! That's my idea of CRAZY!!! God is simply AWEsome... The way he made these creatures,its fascinating!!!

And oh so you would know, some people actually eat this fish. Yeah! They do. In fact according to ehow.com, they say humans are the largest threats to this creatures. In Asia, they use it for cooking and as an ingredient for medicine.

So now you know!!!
Next time you go to a restaurant, you might want to order you some Horse fish. #winks.

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Monday 8 August 2016

Still on Latkes

By 08:44

This is the final product...
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Food SenSe

By 08:26
I came across a food recipe from the bible when I was studying recently and I would love to share it with you. Its gotten from the book of John 10 vs 22, in case you don't know what it says let me share:
"It was now winter, and Jesus was in Jerusalem at the time of HANUKKAH, the festival of Dedication (emphasis mine) (New Living Translation)
And naturally, my curiosity got the better part of me so I decided to find out what HANUKKAH meant and VIOLA!!!! I discovered a very interesting and yet simple dish prepared during that feast.

Its called LATKES...its made with potato and since this is potato season, you may want to try it out.

You would love it. I tried it out and it turned out great, really great! My over picky 2year old boy couldn't get enough of it.

So here is what you would need and how its done.

(1) 6 large potatoes
(P.S. You can start with one for trial first to see how it turns out before you proceed on the others. That's what I did)
(2) 1 small sweet onion
(3) 2 eggs, beaten
(4) 1/2 cup flour (or enough to bind the mixture)
(5) Salt and pepper to taste
(6) 1/2 cup vegetable oil (2 tbsp oil per batch of latkes in the pan)

Peel the potatoes and grate them coarsely. If you're using onions, chop them finely and add them to the potatoes.

Beat two eggs and whip in a small amount of flour. If adding salt and pepper for seasoning, add now.

Squeeze the potatoes to get out some of the water in them. If they're too wet, they will not fry up crisply during cooking.

Add the coarsely grated potatoes (and onion) to the egg-flour mixture, blending well.

Put 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a heavy frying pan. Heat it to a high temperature.

Use the mixing spoon to gather a good-size dollop of potato mixture. Drop into the heated pan.

Fry until brown at the edges. Then turn over and fry the opposite side.

Place the cooked latkes on a plate lined with paper towels to remove excess oil. Serve hot.

So try it out and let me know how it went...
All the best.

P.S: For more info on how to go about it visit : http://m.wikihow.com/Make-Potato-Latkes#
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Wednesday 3 August 2016

By 07:21

Those with the "too tired to bath" syndrome, this is for you...
Its called a shower gel!

Do you likey or not?
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By 06:45

Believe in yourself and when people begin to see the result of your believing in you, they would turn around and believe in you but don't let it be the other way round.

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Tuesday 2 August 2016

By 06:19
The Sun has its own glory and so does the moon and stars. Even each stars are different from each other but they all shine. These were the words that jumped out from my bible study this morning.

Lesson: Stop comparing yourself with others, learn from them and become better, but don't become them. Discover your uniqueness and stick to it! Don't become somebody's photocopy because no matter how clean a photocopy is,there is always a difference with the original. Be the original you God created you to be
If you were made to be a star, don't wish to be a sun,you would end up been frustrated. Instead shine brightly as the star you were made to be and let men see your light and glorify the father in heaven for creating a beautiful shining star as you.

My prayer: God help me discover my uniqueness, help me find out what makes me,me and help me stick to it. Help me use my uniqueness to bring you glory.

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