Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Dear Mr. Husband (6)

By 00:34
Dear Mr. Husband (6)

September 15, 2002!

'Ahh haaaa!!! Its so painful! I can't take this anymore oh! I can't ! I can't! can't' I screamed in between breathe

I slapped Uche for the third time that morning and I knew he wasn't enjoying it. I was the one going through the pain and he had no idea what I was feeling. It was like all my bones were breaking at the same time.

'Ha!!! I screamed louder again! It was not getting easier at all and all Uche could do was hold my hands and say sorry baby, sorry!

I slapped him again, this time he wanted to protest, he looked at me and decided otherwise.

I was in real pain! Real labor pain. Our daughter was to arrive the next day but changed her mind and decided to come today, I had no idea she was such in a hurry to get here.

I had woken up in the middle of the night feeling restless and Uche had tried to calm me down,nothing was working. I decided to walk around a little and it happened.

My water broke!

Uche stood there speechless, starring at the water on the floor and looking at me.

I wanted to drag him to get up and do something, my pain made me just say muffle words.

I manage to scream out his name and ordered him to take me to the hospital.

I have never seen him this confused the way he was that night.

He suddenly didn't know where his shoes were or what he was to do altogether.

I laughed in my mind at the way he kept dancing around. I knew he couldn't do this alone, this was his first experience and been an only child he had never experienced any of it.

I had to call someone. I called his mom and she promised to be on her way any minute.

'Uche what are you doing?' I asked seeing him still going from place to place.

'Ada, to be honest eh, I don't even know what I'm doing'

I laughed out so loud that at first he was afraid, he soon joined in the laughter at himself.

Now I had something to use in teasing him back.

But the teasing may have to wait a while because our daughter was not waiting for anything.

Ah!!! I screamed holding my waist.

Soon his mom was around with a taxi she could get and I was rushed to the hospital were I registered for anti natal and was taken straight to the labor room.

It was a private hospital so Uche was allowed to stay with me for a while.
That's was when the whole slapping episode began.

Ok let me confess there was one time I slapped Uche intentionally ok let me be honest, more than once.
I would tell him that later, I'm sure he would forgive me afterall I gave him a wonderful daughter some time later.

'Madam' the nurse in charge of my case was saying 'how are you feeling?' She asked

'Its painful' very painful' was all I could reply

'I know' she said rubbing my back
'the doctor will soon be here.'
And almost immediately, a doctor probably in his mid-fifties walked through the door.

'I am doctor Ahmed' he said to me and my husband bringing his hands to shake my husband.

'I have to check how CM dilated she is' he explained

'Oh ok' my husband replied adjusting his seat a little so the doctor could attend to me.

The doctor wore his gloves and was about to put his hands in my virgina to check me when my husband shouted.

'Doctor what are you doing? Uche asked with all the seriousness and surprise he could muster

The doctor without show any surprise obviously used to handling such people smiled to calm uche's nerves and continued with his work

'I want to check how far dilated she is to know what to do next, there's no other way to find that out expect I inspect it with my hands and trust me, I don't find this part interesting either' he explained all the while turning his hand inside of me.

'I have a wife too you know, when she was about to be delivered of all our four children, I had to allow someone else do this, so I can understand your frustration' he said and that made Uche relax a bit.

'Madam, you're doing well' he said smiling at me 'you're almost there'

Another round of pain swept through my body and I could hardly think straight again, I just kept screaming and pulling my hair and shouting the words 'Ewo! Ewo!! Ewo oh!!!'

I made a mental note to flog this child after she was born because of the stress she was allowing me go through. I mean I knew she wanted to come out badly but why do all these gymnastics???

It didn't take long after that, I was delivered of a beautiful girl who came out smiling and we named her Chisom.

I can't remember seeing my husband ever crying, today I saw him cry as he held his first fruit in his arms and cuddled her.
I was completely exhausted but that sight before me made me smile and for a brief moment all was right with the world.


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Friday 16 December 2016

Dear Mr. Husband(5)

By 10:17
Ada story continues

January 2002

'I met an old friend today that I haven't seen in a while.

I had gone to the market to buy things for the week so I was carrying so many bags all at once and was still trying to get an okada to take me home.

The loud horn that came from a moving car made me jump on my tracks with my bags

'Who horns that loudly and persistently' I thought angrily still struggling with my bags in both hands.
I walked further and tried to flag down another okada but the driver of the car packed in front of me and stopped.

I was in no mood to speak to any man or anybody for that matter. My destination was home and the shower because the 1pm sun was not friendly one bit.

'Hello excuse me' whoever it was said.

'Excuse yourself' I said within me still fuming with anger as I was unable to get any one to relief me of my load.

I was tired

'Hello Ada!' The caller called out again

Her voice sounded familiar. Only one person she knew had that kind of high pitched soprano voice. And that would be Amaka in her class back then in University, but what was she doing here' Ada wondered.

'Hello Ada its Amaka!'
I couldn't believe my ears or my eyes. Amaka, my study group partner in school?' Wow

I dropped my bags down and called out her name.

'Amaka! Wow so good to see you.

She attempted to hug me as we normally do, but I shielded myself from it. I was too sweaty from the hot sun to accept her hug.
She was looking really good and I envied her.

'Please let me help you with your bags and drop you home' she offered.

I stay in GRA oh' I said in the hope that I would dismiss her.

She wasn't moved.

'No problem I'll drop you home.

Though I stayed in the GRA of Enugu state, I wasn't exactly proud of the one room apartment I was living in so I didn't want her coming to visit.

Why my one room apartment suddenly became a problem, I couldn't fathom. It never bothered me up until that moment.

Was I secretly comparing myself with Amaka or was I getting envious. I needed to check those negative emotions subtly creeping into my head before they get the better part of me.

I got into her car and I was welcomed by the cool air coming out form the car's air condition.

For a brief moment, I wished I was her! I wish we swap places so I could have her life. I snapped out of that moment and soon enough she we started our usual chatter good enough to distract me from myself.

Our conversation drifted from old time friends back in school to our life now to our marriages and our future.

She dropped me off at my gate and we exchanged contacts in the hope of future communications.

I wasn't sure I was going to continue the friendship because I left her that day having mixed feelings.

When Uche came home from work, I was in no mood for a conversation. I was angry at life and was getting angry at him too unknown to him.

He had not seen me like this in a while. The last time this happened was when I lost a childhood friend some months ago.

This was not the Ada he knew. Something was definitely wrong and he didn't know how to ask me what it was

'What's the matter Ada' he asked obviously perplexed with my unusual silence.

'Nothing' I replied 'How was work today?' I manage to say hoping to take his attention away from me.

He didn't know what to do.
He tried to touch me, but I was irritated at his touch and the mere sight of him.

I knew I needed to snap out of that mood,but I felt helpless. The more I tried, the more I went down below.

'Was Amaka right?' I kept on pondering and turning the conversation we had over and over again in my head.

'What was I to do?' I felt so confused.

Uche tried so hard to get me to talk or at least be lively.
He tickled me. he made a cup of tea for me and even attempted to go outside and buy me my favorite snack. But I wasn't in the mood for any of those so I politely refused and told him I needed to be left alone.

He obliged and left me to my self$

I needed answers. I really admired Amaka's life so maybe I was just plain envious of where she was.

She offered some suggestions that looked valid, but I didn't know if to act on it because it worked for her.

I needed to talk with someone desperately before I act and regret that I did.

Exerting myself in something else always helps me to blow off steam and so I got up to do that.

My library had been in disarray for a while now, it needed to be put in order I got to work doing that.

The whole place was in a mess, my bad mood didn't make it look any better. I went to work putting things in their rightful places.

After about 30 minutes into my self induced task I saw a small magazine lying careless on the floor. I picked it up to find out if it was worth saving or throwing away.

It turned out to be the former.

The magazine was titled 'Couples issues and answer.

I put my cleaning towel aside and sat on a chair in the library as I flipped through the pages of the magazine.

I couldn't believe my luck as the first thing the author said was a story about a time in her Marriage life when she was angry at her husband and was secretly hating her marriage. She has been married for thirty years as at the time the magazine was written to the same man so I knew she had something to say.

I continued reading it. This really was going to be my answer afterall.

The author continued saying that she had to pause and ask her self what the root cause of her predicament was that made her feel that way.

And she discovered it was birthed out of envy. Seeing her 'mates' doing better than her and looking so successful while she was seemingly stock in one place.

Those words were like a light bulb to the state of my heart.

She was right! I was envious of Amaka and wanted to have what she had. This inturn made me feel like the things I had were not good enough.

I continued reading the author's story and she concluded by saying that no matter how much we envied other people's life, we could never be them.

We were all called to achieve separate things and the key to finding fulfillment did not lie in being somebody else or having what they possessed but finding your purpose and fulfilling it.

That was my answer!

Amaka had suggested that I put pressure on my husband to get me plenty fine things of life.
And that if I did that, he would look for ways to work harder and get me those things. That was what she claimed she did and her husband had no choice but to use whatever means he could to provide for her.
She didn't even know the source of all his income all she knew was she asked for things and her man gave it to her.

I wasn't Amaka! I had her own life so she wasn't going to do what she did. I had her answer now!
I knew what i would do.

First was to take Amaka's contact off her phone! She was obviously a going to be a bad influence in her life if she continued to keep her as a friend.

I continued reading the magazine and some other contributors said the marriage union was meant to have a united front and nothing or no one should be able to break that unity.

I had allowed my little episode to come between me and my Uche.

I needed to make amends. I needed to come out clean and let him know what transpired earlier on.
I needed to apologize.

Uche had already retired to the bedroom and was reading a novel.
I got down to my birthday suit and slid under the sheets with him.
I told him all that happened and the reason for my sad attitude earlier on!

We made up after that and I was determined that nothing was going to come in between us ever again. I didn't need to have what Amaka had to know that I was blessed beyond measure to be married to my very handsome Uche!

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Wednesday 14 December 2016

Dear Mr. Husband!

By 01:17
Sorry for the delay in posting episodes Its honestly not so easy with my job and life generally.

There are days I just stare at the story and can't type and all I want to do is just rest!!!!
Hope you understand?
Thanks for your patience
Story continues below

Ada story continues

October, 2001

Ten months afterwards, hubby was already complaining about my food.
He didn't say it wasn't sweet. He said he was tired of the same menu over and over again.
He needed something new, something exciting if I'm to use his words.

Let's simply say, I'm not so great a cook, I manage to throw in some things together and come out with something fantastic. While other times, I go with a boring routine of making anything as long as it can pass through your mouth.
However, since almost everything in life is learned, been a great cook had to be learned too

I had to keep an open mind to learn all that life had to offer. I was determined to be a better me!

Initially, I was tempted to feel bad again and go
'if you need something new, cook it or better still eat it outside'

You know how people say they have two minds: the good one and the bad one (never mind, maybe its peculiar only to the female folks)

My good mind said: 'why don't you try something new?'

My bad mind said: 'something new kwa? Cook your normal food jor' , he will eat it like that'

I was torn in two. The good and bad mind kept arguing within themselves.

I decided to go with the good mind and in such desperate times as this mama's secret recipe passed on from generations never fails. Her's was found in an old cook book

I had one copy.

When my mum handed it over to me, I thought I would never be needing it. I thought wrong.

I went to my library and dug out the old looking cook book.

It had accumulated dust from lack of use, that was about to change.
I flipped through the pages hoping to find something that would inspire me.

No long afterwards, I found one
It was called Spaghetti surprise.

'Who uses spaghetti to throw a surprise' I wondered within me. I was about to find out.

I went to the page and read through it. It looked pretty easy and since I had all the ingredients from green peas to carrot to cabbage and green pepper, I decided to go into action.

Forty five minutes later I was done cooking and the site before my was too beautiful to behold.

I realized that the 'good mind' was right after all, I was glad I followed the option to learn.

Loving Uche was not going to be difficult as I was made to believe.
I had a secret fear inside me while I was getting married and that was that I was going to lose myself and be Uche's complete slave.

On the contrary, loving Uche had made me a better me. It had opened my view of a lot of things and my perspective in life generally.

I quickly tidied up the kitchen. Uche must not meet me smelling of oil. I hurried off to the bathroom, had a quick wash and wore something alluring.

He wanted a different meal. He was in for another special something too.
I wore my short and a sleeveless top and wore my secret perfume, the one that doesn't leave your skin no mater how much you sweat.

He had no idea what was about to hit him.
I smiled at my secret plan

Some moments afterwards, someone opened the gate. I peeped to check who it was.

It was him! I was excited

'Is that aroma coming from your kitchen or the landlord's own? Uche asked as he opened the door.

The sight before him made him stand on his tracks. He giggled like a two year old.

'You look inviting' he managed to say with excitement written all over him.

'Really? I replied. Would you want to eat first or do what's on your mind? I asked smiling

'Now I'm confused' he said taking off his clothes and running off to the shower.
'Give me five minutes and I'll decide'

My plan was working.

He was out faster than I could say Jack! Maybe the time in his head works faster than the one on the wall clock because in less than a minute he was out of the bathroom and from the look in his eyes, I knew he was ready to devour me and I him.

After our hot session, I served his food on the dining and watched him take the first spoon.
From the looks on his face, I could tell he was loved it.

I was right!

'There's something you're not telling me' he managed to say with food in his mouth.

'What?' I asked

'Where did you learn to cook something like this?'

'Are you saying I'm not a great cook' I asked feigning anger.

He smiled! He knew my game! At the end of which he had a ready 'I'm sorry' at hand to give to me

I braced my shoulders ready to receive the apology. Even if he didn't do something wrong his apology always made me feel good! Like I was his child. Yeah, I was his baby afterall.

'I'm sorry, I never said you dint know how to cook' he said with a smirk on his face

I laughed.

'Its an old family recipe' I said slyly

'Please throw in some more of those recipes' he said

I watched in satisfaction as he continued with his food!

And I realized that loving someone else other than yourself brings joy to the heart if you're willing to take the risk of finding out what the other person wants...'

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Friday 9 December 2016

Dear Mr. Husband (3)

By 03:39
Dear Mr. Husband (3)

'Hey babe!' Uche announced as he walked into the sitting room from work that day

'You're back so early today. What happen? Ada asked walking to help him with his bag as he made to sit down.

We'll talk about that later' he said.

'Meanwhile, have you bought Clara's Itel Mag to read your story in it? He asked

'Emmm No I haven't, I would try to do that later. Clara told me people love the story already.

He smiled, maybe he had an idea why.

'Worry no more babe, I got you a copy.

He took his bag pack from the chair Ada had placed it on opened it to produced a magazine.
It had a flashy cover and one of Clara's picture was used as a cover page.

'Hmmm... I like this! Its so attractive, its alluring' Ada remarked turning the Magazine over and over admiring the design.

'Yeah' uche responded. You know Clara and concept are twin sisters' he remarked

'Oya go through your story while I use the bathroom. Uche said standing up and hurriedly rushing to the bathroom.

If he still knew his wife, after reading that story she would scream and look for him to hit him hard

He had to find shelter someplace and the bathroom was the perfect place. He would pretend he was doing No.2.that would discourage her from coming inside.

Ada wondered why he was hurried off to the bathroom but she didn't wonder for too long.

Shortly after opening the page where her story was featured, she began to read it and saw that something else was added.

She read further and her eyes flew wide open.

This had to be Uche's handwork! She knew he was up to something. She read the story to the end and screamed!

He was right. He still knew his wife.

'Uche!!!!!!!! What did you do? Ada asked screaming and banging on the bathroom door.

'Don't hide there, better come out oh'
Oh my goodness, I can't believe you added that part' Ada said with an embarrassing smile...

At least he could laugh from where he was. He laughed hard.
He allowed his mind go back to that night and he laughed out some more.

'I felt it was our story and some things cannot be left out of it' Uche replied from the bathroom with laughter still forming from his stomach.

Ada read the story again especially the part Uche had added and she couldn't believe it. Now she knew why people loved the story

Uche's part of the story...

'After we got to the hotel, I couldn't wait to sleep with her.
My heart beat increased at a tremendous rate.

I felt like a child who had waited for a long time to open a package from santa claus. The excitement was more than I could contain. It threatened to rip my heart in two if nothing was done to calm me down.
I took a bottle of water from the fridge and drank it in one gulp.

Our first kiss in church earlier has triggered all the passion I had for Ada and I waited to unleash the dragon within me.

'What was Ada still doing in the bathroom' I wondered impatiently

'Hummm, babe, you need any help?' I asked her.

'No I'll soon be out' she replied.

The soon was the next ten minutes later. She truly was teaching me patience but in the wrong way.

She came out with tears soaked eyes and I was wondering what was happening.
'I thought we were on the same page' I thought to myself.

'Please don't cry, please not now' I said mentally

'What's wrong Ada?' I asked

She busted out crying out some more

'I can't do it Uche, I can't' she said through sobs

'Do what? I asked. You can't do what?

And the sobs increased.
Oh dear!!! No one ever explained this part to me.

'Maybe we should skip this sex part till three months time, I don't think I can.

'Three months what' I said loudly in my head though

'Ok you know what, just relax, relax ok?.
I made her sit down and cuddled her on the bed till her mind was at ease. I saw she was calm and then I kissed her lightly on the cheek.

I had to tame my dragon! I had to forget about what I needed. That was hard, but that was what should be done.

'We have forever to go Ada, even if nothing happens today, we could always try another time' I whispered into her ears.

That was all I needed to say because immediately those words left my mouth a whole new Ada was born. A passion engulfed her like I have never known and we went to the moon that night together and came back exhausted.
Our body had become one and from that moment, I knew that our lives would be so much fun together.

I learnt that night that women may not be as complex as people say they are, all they need may be a little more understanding, a little bit of denying ourselves some immediate pleasure and maybe just maybe they will become all the best that the can be

Ada smiled after reading the story.

'Well it wasn't that bad afterall' She reasoned.

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Wednesday 7 December 2016


By 06:16
Dear Mr. Husband (2)

'Ada have you seen the story in the magazine?' Clara asked when she called two days after the story was sent to her

'You need to see my office streaming in with letters from the story. she continued. Someone is already placing an order for the hard copy of the story if its out.

Ada was speechless!

'I hardly know what to say' she replied. I didn't know the story will cause so much stir like that'

'I know, Me too' Clara responded

'In fact, Let me read one of the letters to you' Clara still holding the phone to her ears produced a letter from her bag
And opened it to reveal its content.

'Are you still there? She asked Ada.


'Dear Editor of Itel Magazine! I really love the story you featured in your new magazine. Even though its a pretty new story, its an interesting read. I think Itel Mag rocks!!!. Temi from Lagos!

'Did you hear that? Clara asked Ada

'Thanks a lot Clara, I have never felt so fulfilled doing something I love to do like I feel right now' Ada said her voice filled with emotions.

When she had opted to be a newspaper column writer instead of getting a fat pay check with the leading news stations in town people thought her crazy. But the reports from Clara cheered her spirit. Aside the money, she valued having to be in charge of her time instead of leaving the house so early and closing late.
Some things were worth it despite the shame this was one of it.

'Sooo have you written a continuation yet' Clara asked cutting off Ada from her thoughts

'Well not yet, I have it in my head. I will pen them down soon' she replied

'Better do oh, and allow me make more money'

'Yes Ma' Ada replied smiling.

'Ok! I have to go, there's so much work for me to do' Clara said and hung up.

She loved Clara and it has always been her dream to work in an office. That's one area they are different.
Ada doesn't like the office setting, Clara on the other hand does.

'Whatever we chose as long as we are both doing what we love to do' she mused to her self.

Though it was difficult for Ada to create her own niche and for a while she was lost in Clara's world and convinced herself that she could be happy in her shoes. Then she realized that no matter how much she loved what Clara does, she wasn't her and she never would be.

She had to find out herself and stick to doing what she loved

After the call, Ada hurried to finish her chores for the morning so she could continue writing the story.

*March 12th 2001*

'Its been three months since we got married. Ok exactly three months and 4 days. Yes! I know its weird, but I actually love to keep dates, time,events and stuffs like that.
My husband thinks its funny, well let's just say that's the way I was wired.

The last three months has been a very adventurous one. Permit me to share one of such adventures.

I discovered my husband's love for cars, not like he was obsessed with latest cars and stuffs but he was just into them. Their names, their model, designs and all. I found it a rather dull hobby, but let's just say maybe that's how he was wired too!

I remember one evening, we were out on a walk. And we decided to talk about what to do with a particular amount of money that we had gotten unexpectedly.

We were far gone into the conversation and the next thing I heard was

'Wow!!!! I love that toyota carmry the way it was made and all'

At first I turned to check if it was me or someone else he was taking to.
I found out it was me and I kept wondering what a 'toyota carm..' whatever the name he called, was doing with the conversation we were.

I was confused! I asked him
'You said what?'

'No its the car that just passed, its a Toyota Carmry' he replied.

Oh! I see! I thought we were talking' I said obviously disappointed.

He apologized seeing the frown on my face and we continued our conversation.

Shortly after, another sleek car passed by us and he couldn't hide his excitement. His eyes sparkled with pleasure, he actually turned towards the direction of the car until it was out of sight.
I cursed the car secretly and cursed the driver too for trying to ruin our precious moment.

I was about to get upset again when it dawned on me that instead of getting angry, I could actually learn more about cars from him.

'Why try to steal keep him from doing something he loves? Why not use his passion to improve my knowledge of the things I know' I thought.

Instead of getting angry, I saw it as an invitation to his world. And boy that was one of the wisest decisions I have ever made.

'How did you know that it was a carm something that just passed?, I don't even know the name you called I asked a bit little embarrassed.
'My classification of cars is a 'jeep' or a 'small car' that's the best I know.

He laughed a little and said 'don't worry I'll teach you'
I didn't have to wait long for the lesson.

Our 'car class' started immediately as another car passed by us and he showed me how to identify car by their logo.
I found out what his best car was that day! For me since I was only starting, my best car was still on its way I guess.

Ada read the story again and emailed it to Clara.
She looked at the time it was 3:15pm. She decided to get food ready as Uche would soon be home.

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Tuesday 6 December 2016


By 02:25
Dear Mr. Husband (1)


8th December 2001

'We got married on this day and the memories still flood my heart as I write this. It was a short and simple wedding because we couldn't afford so much.

I know I wanted all the bella naija attention and the 'talk around town' kind of wedding but then I had to face reality, My man wasn't too boxed up.

So it was either I chose the Man or the 'talk around town kind of wedding'. The man was better option so I chose him.

The car drove from the wedding reception straight the hotel that we had booked for our honey moon. I couldn't wait to get out of my gown, it was inconveniencing!!!
I was forced to wear a girdle underneath my gown and some other plenty things that the wedding planner and my very own chief brides made insisted I wear.

And for the records, If I ever had to go into fashion line for wedding outfits, I would insist that every bride wear what makes them free and comfortable because to me it wasn't just worth the stress...

Well...since I was bent on having fun that day, I wasn't going to allow the dress spoil it!

'Hey babe! What are you working on?'
Uche asked as he saw Ada typing away with her desktop in the sitting room

'Oh its a story! Ada replied.' Clara told me to chronicle our daily episode starting from the wedding day so she could use it for the story section in her new magazine.
You would not believe what she titled it'

'What?' He asked. Ok Wait wait! let me guess' he continued

Uhmmm, the wedding? Or no no no uhmmm 'Ada and Uche's wedding' he said with a flash on his face

'Dull man!' Ada teased. Who would title a story like that?'

'Me!' Uche said with his hands raised up like a little child who was asked a question in class.

She giggled

'Dear Mr Husband that the title and that's how to be creative.

Now it was Uche's turn to laugh.

'Ok let me let you be' hope you intend to add the wedding night part?' He asked

Uche embarrassment and shock was evident on her face. She blushed heavily. The events of that night still made her laugh anytime she remembered it and Uche has not stop teasing her about it. There was no way she was going to fall her hand like that to the whole world.

'No way! She said, I will definitely not include that.

'Well I figured if the story is about us, that should also be in it. You never know who will learn from it' Uche added teasingly

'Nooooooo' she replied. They definitely will know everything' she continued but not 'everything' she said with her hand doing the inverted comas for the last everything.

'Wait! Why? Uche asked 'Or are you still ashamed of what happened?

She threw a pen at him because he was obviously taunting her with it and he knew what he was doing

Uche laughed and walked out of the sitting room where Ada was with a mischievous grin playing on his face. He had a plan!

Ada smiled and continued her story

'I was so glad we didn't spend so much money at the wedding because the money we had left and the one we were given as gifts from the wedding was spent in making our small home a little comfortable and furnished to our taste.

My husband was a bank marketer at the time we got married but the challenge of meeting targets and doing unimaginable things to get clients to open an account with him drove him to quit his job and take a job as a teacher.

Me on the other hand attended the prestigious University of Nigeria Nsukka and graduated with honours from Journalism. I love to be a writer and writing is what I do.

Ada's phone rang! It was Clara. She smiled. She paused her story.

'Hey babes good morning' Ada spoke into the receiver. That was how she loved to address Clara.

Iyawo!(New wife) how body?' Clara asked

'Your girl is fine oh' Ada replied smiling

'Of course nau, how will you not be fine when you married all that handsomeness all to your self' Clara responded.

'You eh! Naughty girl. I can't wait to see the kind of man you will marry'

'Me too' Clara said laughing. You may have to wait a long time though because after your wedding, I started to use your husband as standard for judging my 'Mr. Right'. If he's not tall and handsome like Uche, then its voice mail.

They both laughed.

Uche heard his wife laughing and knew it was Clara calling. Apart from him, Clara was like the only person who made Ada laugh that hard.

He will have to call Clara too. He had a plan unknown to Ada and he was eager to carry it out.
He would have to wait for his wife to finish on the phone with her and then call her to let her know his plan.

'How's my story going?' Clara asked Ada

'I was working on it before your call came in, I'm almost done with a small part

'Oh ok! I can't wait to lay my hands on it and devour its content. Email The part you have written to me so I can start editing it. You know it has to be published today?' Clara said

'Alright, I warp it up and send it' Ada responded,

'Alright later girl, I'll call you' Clara hung up.

She smiled. She couldn't wait to get the email and read. Apart from the fact that she loved to stories written by Ada, this one was special for two reasons. It was a personal story. She knew the person involved and also it was a story for a new magazine she was working on.

Shortly after, Clara's phone rang. It was Uche. She wondered why he was calling.

'Hello Uche, what's up?

'I'm fine Clara' he said. 'I need a favor from you'

'Yeah anything'

'I would like to add a little something to the story Ada's writing about us, hope that's ok?

'Sure it is, just email it to me'

'Thanks Clara, text me your email address then.

'Sure I will'
Clara was suspicious. She knew Uche to be witty but she had no idea what this was about. She may just have to wait and see.

Uche got a beep on his phone and it was Clara's email address. He smiled and forwarded what he had written to Clara and added a 'Thank you very much' under it

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Wednesday 30 November 2016


By 18:17

Hello Peeps! Sorry for the long silence. When you have the kind of son that I have, you will know that you time and phone do not belong to you alone.
You know what I'm saying(in Tyler Perry's voice).

Dear Mr. Husband
'And now you may kiss the bride...'
The officiating minister said with a smile to the gorgeously dressed couple in front of him and Uche planted the long awaited kiss on the mouth of his new bride Ada

I watched from the bride's corner and I knew that this was the beginning of a new and different life for the friend I once knew Ada to be.
That thought alone was scary and if I was true to myself, the idea of 'change' itself always freaked me out including this.

The kiss lasted longer than usual, but the officiating minister still kept on smiling and soon signaled to the crowd to clap which then brought an end to the couples first kiss and for a brief moment I wished I was Ada.

I looked longingly at the two of them and couldn't stop wishing. Wishing I was the one dressed in beautiful made white dress she wore and the lovely gold colored shoes and accessories she added to her outfit. I desired to have what she had. Or maybe I just was plain jealous!

'My name is Clara and I'm the chief's bridesmaid. I'm about to take you on a ride in my best friend shoes

***Watch this space***
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Tuesday 22 November 2016

Trials of Ugochukwu... (The final episode)

By 08:56
Hey peeps! I'm soooooo sorry for the delay in completing the story 'Trials of Ugochukwu.
NEPA has removed our area from their map and you know what that means right???
Yeah! your guess is as good as mine but anyway their plan will not work oh jare. Trials of Ugochukwu must end Lol, so here it is:
Trials of Ugochukwu continues
Ugo sat on the couch of his veranda. He looked around and for the first time after the whole incident, he thanked God for the gift of life.

Funny how a close shave with death made him value the things he had in his life most especially his family.
Its been about six month after the whole episode and he was still reminiscing.

On his wife's birthday, he had gotten a call from his mum that his children were involved in a fire accident at the house. His mum had gone to spread their wet clothes outside and his kids age six and four out of curiosity put on the self ignited gas cooker. They almost got killed in the process, they sustained about sixty-five degree burn and grandma's house was almost engulfed in flames if not for timely interventions from neighbors!!!

'Hmmm' he sighed
He was lucky that they survived! But their actions left some scars in his pocket that may take a long time to heal.
His finances still hasn't recovered from the whole episode.

And as if that was not enough, He got another shocker call some few days after.

His father had slumped and was unconscious!
He couldn't believe it.

'What was he supposed to do now?????
He spoke with his father a few days earlier and he sounded ok at least on the phone.

He didn't know how he was going to shuttle between attending to his children, his father and his office.

His office...
He sighed again

He got up from his seat on the veranda and walked around his compound... He did that a lot lately. He called it 'trying to cool off'. Those short walks had been a time to pray and just think, it had been really helpful.

The issues with his office caused him great pain.

Two of his staff had quit his firm to start up their own firm. That would have been a good thing knowing that he had trained people who could stand on their own but they left with what wasn't theirs.

They left with his top paying clients, that meant fewer monies were entering into his account as against what was formerly obtainable.

Confusion was his daily bread, he didn't know what to do. He had to sell up the Ad agency to off set some of the bills the events of the past months had incurred.

Sarah was his pillar of strength on those days, he often wondered how he would have coped without her...
There were days when he didn't feel like talking, days when he took out the frustration on her and apologized later.
And they were days too when all he wanted to do was cry and cry.
It must have been hard on her too. Not seeing him regularly and still not allowing her love for him to dwindle. It really takes a woman of strength to pull through that.

Now he was all the more glad that he had gotten married to Sarah.

She had look after the children at the hospital while he looked after his Dad and spent his finals days with him at the hospital. And then he passed on.

How he came out from all this ordeal a sane person was beyond his comprehension. But above all if there was nothing he learned, he learned that the things in these world are fleeting and at best temporal.
So instead of letting the fleeting things be his source of happiness, he would rather fix his gaze on the other things like being grateful for life, his wife and God his kids...

'Happy birthday Honey!'
Sarah said interrupting his thought. He had forgotten his birthday completely.
He smiled and looked at her
'I don't have anything fancy to get you but...'
He hushed her before she could continue, holding her hands her looked into her eyes

'You know what the best gift I have on this day?' He asked
'Its the gift of you as my wife. That is the best birthday gift ever'


What was your favorite part of the story?
Let me know in the comments below and thanks for reading too!

Watch this space for more stories...

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Tuesday 15 November 2016

Trials of Ugochukwu...

By 17:02
Trials of Ugochukwu continues...
Sarah checked her time it was 3:15pm, she was done with lunch and had taken her bath.
She wore a short black sleeveless gown and was anxiously waiting for Ugo to come back. She was a light skinned woman so the dress suited her perfectly.

'Ugo would be here soon.' She chuckled at the thought.

Soon she heard a knock at the door. It was Adamu.

'Madam, persin dey fine u.' Adamu, the gate man said, as she opened the door for him.

'Who be the person?" She asked.

'I nor sabi the woman, Madam.' Adamu replied.

'This must be dejavu' she reasoned.

'This has surely happened before.'

Adamu's response triggered something in her and immediately what she had dreamt about came flooding back into her mind. She was super excited.

In the dream somebody brought a package for her, her secret admirer or so. She tried to remember what it was but she couldn't remember it still

'Ok ok slow down...' She childed herself mentally trying hard to calm herself down before she exploded from the excitement that she was feeling.

'Adamu, you say you nor sabi the man?'

'No Madam! Na woman naim I talk oh he corrected.

'Well its the same thing' she said within herself.
In the dream though it was a Man that came to deliver something. She secretly wished the outcome was the same too.

'Go open the gate make she enter.' Sarah directed.

Adamu nodded and walked away to open the gate for the lady.

It was exactly what she had dreamt of. Only of cause the 'He' had boobs and big behind enough to say it was a 'she'

The lady walked into the compound, wearing a black jeans trouser and a black T-shirt and DHL jacket on top of it, she was holding something in an envelope.

She couldn't hold back her joy. All the while wishing the lady would fly to where she was and have the package delivered.

Good afternoon Ma! I was told to deliver this to one Sa...

'Yes yes its me' she said excitedly not waiting for the lady to finish her statement.

'Ok, here and si...

'Yes I would sign here' Sarah said interrupting the lady the second time.

Her excitement rubbed off on the delievry lady as she too was smiling, wondering what was going on.

'Have a lov..'

'You too! You too!!' Sarah said excitedly without waiting for her to conclude her 'have a lovely day' speech.

She shut the door and ran to the kitchen to get her knife and tear open the package. She couldn't wait!

'Oh my God!!!!' She screamed

'Oh my God!!!'

Adamu came rushing to the door when he heard her scream thinking the worse had happened.

'Madam wetin hapen? Persin done die? He asked with worry on his voice all the while banging on the door.

Sarah steadied herself and replied. She didint know she had screamed out too loud.

'Adamu no worry oh, I am ok.' she told him through the window.
When he saw her face that she was ok, he went back to his duty post.

Right before her eyes was a new set of diamond earnings and accessories. It was the very same set she saw Emma Stone the popular Hollywood actress wear in that movie.

'What's the name again oh.' she tried to remember the name of the movie but couldn't. Her excitement had obviously blocked her retracting faculty.

The day she and Ugo watched the movie together, Emma Stone had gotten that as a gift from her millionare husband to be, she had loved it on her that day but she didn't know that Ugo took notice of it.

'Dreams do come true' she thought to herself
'Wow! Wow!! Wow!!' she kept shouting in excitement as she walked all over the house with the earrings in her hands admiring them.

A note was attached to it.

'Please wear those this evening for me with that lovely black dress I bought on our last anniversary. I'm taking my wife out to diner. Love from your secret admirer'

She knew the very gown he talked about and she was going to wear that and rock her man tonight.

Oh Ugo!!!!!
She held the note to her chest as her heart was filled with love.

Ugo was smiling as he drove home... He just got a message from the lady he sent to deliver his gift. His wife had received it in good spirit was all she said.

He couldn't hide his joy.

Shortly his phone rang it was Sarah.
He picked it up

'Ahhhhhhhhhh' she was screaming into the receiver'

'Ok calm down lady, you can actually burst my eardrum right now you know.' he said smiling.

'I love it Ugo! I love it!! I love it!!! I really do' she said

'I know you do! he replied smiling. So are you dressed already for today'

'Would be in a bit, sweets.' she said

'Alright see you soon.' He hung up.
He would have a swell time today! He knew it.

In five minutes he was at his house.
After he parked his car, he told the gatekeeper to take the night off!
He had the big compound to himself and his wife.
He grinned!

'Honey I'm ho-ooo-me! He called out loudly to his wife.

He raised his head up only to see his wife descending the stairs and was wowed at the sight.

She looked gorgeous' he admitted to himself.
He felt goose bumps all over his body, but first he had to do something.

'I want to eat you up right now but I have a confession to make first.'

He took her hand and led her to sofa.

'I almost gave up on us,"He began." I almost let my past get the better part of me'

Sarah wore a confused look unsure where the discussion was headed.

'I met my university sweetheart some weeks ago and I almost felt like I made a mistake marrying you.'

Sarah was disheartened but she knew better to let him finish else he won't complete the story.

'I started to think about how life would have been if she was my wife. I feel ashamed about it and I was wrong in feeding my mind with the wrong thought. Please forgive me Sarah'

He held her hands and pleaded.

She smiled! She was glad he finally let her into what troubled him and gladder still that he did what was right

'Its ok Ugo!' She bagan, 'but do you regret marrying me? She asked

'Not at all' I never did and never will'
She hugged him and smiled and at that moment he knew all was forgiven.

'Lets get on with our date, shall we?' he said and was about to produce the stuff he bought for her when his phone rang.

He forgot to put it off. Who could that be? He wondered.

'Hello Mama good evening' He said into the receiver when he saw it was his mum calling.

'What????????' He said next

'Ok I'm on my way.

'Babe we have to go now' Ugo said to his wife.

'What is it?' Sarah asked.

'I'll tell you in the car, but its not so good' He said looking into her eyes

She almost fainted

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Monday 14 November 2016


By 13:21

Sarah was awoken by a call from her phone.

"Oh baby..kuchikuchi ah ha ah ha..."

She smiled! That was Ugo! She had a ring tone specially for him. It went off before she could pick up.

"He'll call back" she reasoned to herself.

It was already 2.30pm by her time, she had to get lunch started before he got home. He hadn't gone to the office for some days now. He said he just wanted to take time off to ease off the stress from his job

And he was right! His job takes a toll on him some days.
She sat up on the bed to steady herself and get her mind in order.
Then she remembered she just had a dream. Someone had come to deliver a package to her.

'What was it now?" She tried to remember but the image eluded her. She couldn't remember all of it.

She smiled!
It will all come back to her, she knew it would. Her dreams always came back sometimes in flashes or even two or three days later. She would wait for it.

She got another beep from her phone. This time it was a message.
It was Ugo!

'Hmmmm' she giggled

Something must have triggered his sudden outburst and profession of love for her these few days.
Now he sends her a message one everyday, writing about what he loved most in her. On days when he was at home with her, he still sent it.

'He sure knows how to melt my heart' she said to herself. She wondered what today's message would be about.
She picked up her phone to read it

"You believe the best in me and help me achieve my dreams. I don't know how far I would have gone if I didn't have you right here by my side...your secret admirer"

She blushed on both cheeks
"Ugo knew how to rock her boat.

He really was up to something. First it was him taking the children to Mama's place and the excuse he gave was "Mama said she's missing her babies"

Well, she may just have to watch and see how things played out. She wore her flip flop and headed to the kitchen. She was going to prepare something he loved. Nsala soup and fufu.

'Well I won't say I know you personally' Anthony began. 'My wife does.' he said to Ugo as he walked out to go get his lunch.

'Your wife?' Ugo asked surprised. Thank God he was not a philanderer, one would have thought he had extra marital affairs with Anthony's wife and he was following him to beat him up because Anthony was a tall man just like him but taller and more muscular.

"Yeah! But let me formally introduce myself." he said bringing out his hands for a handshake.
"I'm Linda's husband and she has told me a lot about you"

For a brief moment, Ugo was transfixed and a lot of things went through his mind.

'What did she tell him? Was he safe? Was he here to warn him about her? was all well with Linda? on and on his thoughts went...

'Ok! This is the part where you shake my hands back.' Anthony said, a bit embarrassed as his hand was not taken by Ugo.

'I'm sorry! Ugo said shaking Anthony in return' I'm Ugo as you already know.

'You are lucky to be her husband' he continued Linda has a good heart. Please help me tell her thank you for not marrying me because she made me a better man.

Anthony smiled!
'Would do that' Anthony said and walked away to get his lunch.'You take care.'

Ugo entered his car and drove off. He was glad that he finally got to meet Linda's husband and free himself from his past.

He had a wife to surprise, he had better get to work.


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Friday 11 November 2016

The Trials of Ugochukwu continues...

By 06:13
Trials of Ugochukwu...
Ugo made up his mind to heed to his friend's counsel. Patrick was right after all.

'Why waste his energy and emotions on someone he would never have'.

Yes he loved Linda! Yes he wanted to marry her! That was in the past, it was going to stay in the past.

For now instead of imagining how life would have been if Linda was his, he made up his mind to cherish the gift he had in a wife, in Sarah!

Patrick had suggested some things he needed to do rekindle his love for his wife and he was going to start to do those thing. Not like the love he had for her had diminished but he knew that he needed to fan the flames again and make her the object of his attention.
He knew he loved Sarah and he made up his mind to go all out to prove his love for her.

Her birthday was in three days time, he had a plan...
'The second thing I love about you is the way you dress. Its alluring! I thought I had swag, then I met you and discovered I was just a learner..."

She read the message again for the umpteenth time. He was up to something!!!!
She could feel it, the thought made her smile

'The way that guy looks at me is somehow like he knows me from somewhere' Ugo said to Patrick when he went again to chat with him in his office.

'Oh if its Anthony, that's how he is, always smiling' Patrick said after looking over his shoulder to see Anthony smiling and looking at his phone.

'Boy Its two p.m already I should head back to my office and see how things are with the guys. I told them to give me about a week off so I can relax' he winked

'I'm happy you are going on with the plan' Patrick said as they stood up to walk to his car.

Anthony stood up too, but to get something else. He met them on the stairs leading to the car park.

'Do you know from me somewhere?' Ugo asked Anthony who was walking towards them with a mischievous smile playing on lips
'Madam, persin they fine u' Adamu the gate man said as he walked into the sitting room

'Who is that?' Sarah asked. She loved to hear him talk, his accent was peculiar. She knew it was common with where he came from unlike what she was exposed to.

'I nor sabi the man Madam' Adamu replied.

'Ok let him in' she responded.

Sarah saw a man walking into the compound, he was probably in his early thirties. He wore a black jeans trouser and a black T-shirt and DHL jacket on top of it.
She suspected he wanted to deliver something or maybe it was just a letter but he was holding something else.

He walked towards the front door and knocked.

She wasn't sure what to do so she quickly got a knife from the kitchen and hid it in her back pocket.
Not like she was intending to use it
'But its better safe than sorry' she reasoned

She arranged her hair and opened the door for the stranger.

'How can I help you'? She asked

'Good afternoon Ma! I was told to deliver this to one Sarah in this address' he said handing over a package wrapped in a brown envelope with the receipt of the waybill wrapped around it.

'Please sign here' he presented a paper and handed her a pen to sign.

'Ok' she took the pen and signed, then handed it over to the man.

'Thank you' he turned and was gone.

She locked the door and turned the envelop over and over again

'What could it be' she wondered

First she checked who the sender was
It read

'from your secret admirer'

'Who was that?' She asked out loud to no one

'Was someone trying to play a prank on her?'

Maybe she should just wait for Ugo to come back and see it in case it was something bad.
Her mind was racing.!!!

She dropped the package on the center table and walked away to get dinner started but her curiosity wouldn't let her be.

So she walked back to the sitting room and tore the envelop open

She couldn't believe it.
What see saw made her eyes pop out from its socket

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Thursday 10 November 2016

Vote for John Jesse!!!

By 01:28

So a friend of mine John Jesse wrote a story for Etisalat flash fiction competition and I would loveeeee for you to vote for him.


That's the link above, click on it and then click on the like icon when it opens which is equivalent to voting. You know how it is, the more vote he has the more likely he is going to win.

So let's go people... Go and vote and feel free to share

Can I get at least 150 people to pleaseee vote?

Alright Go!
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Trial of Ugochukwu...

By 00:54
Linda got home from work that day feeling exhausted.
She had seen Ugo a few weeks back and in her head, she kept playing the scene over and over again, that nothing between them that day was nothing short of a miracle.

She took off her shoes and got up from the bed were she was sitting and walked towards the window in her room folding her hands under her breast.

She allowed her mind go back to the days when Ugo was her sweetheart. They were inseparable,everyone knew them and already concluded that they would make a fine couple. A day wouldn't go by that there were not together, either going to school or buying something. They were friends, good friends!

And then he asked her to marry him That was when everything changed...

Not like she wasn't expecting it to happen because they became friends two years before that time and officially stated dating three months to when He asked her to marry him.

But she couldn't do it. She knew she couldn't go ahead a lot of things hindered her...

'You must be really deep in thoughts that you didn't hear me come in' her husband Anthony said into her ears holding her waist from behind.

she laughed and allowed herself fall into his chest inhaling his cologne and feeling the warmth of his embrace and for a moment all she felt was peace...

'Yeah I was'.

After a brief moment, she withdrew from his grip and turned to face him

'Tony there's something I want to tell you' she began

'Really?' He asked surprised. 'That would mean the two of us because there's something I want to tell you too but you would have to sit down to hear it' he said

'Hmmm, is it that bad? She asked with mixed frown and worry written on her face.

Tony held her and made her seat on the bed.

'It depends on what you mean by bad. I only want to see your face and look deep into your lovely eyes as I say what I'm about to say. I want to see how you would take it' Tony said

'Ok let me put on my shock absorber mood' she said and put on a grave look
Tony laughed. He loved Linda so much and always treated her like his first child and best friend. He had seen his father do same to his mom and he promised in his heart to do same to his wife.

'Is you mood activated now?' He asked laughing

She smiled.

'Ok' he exhaled.' I ran into someone today' he began


'He's someone that was very important to you in the past, I didn't know he was a friend to my colleague until he came around to see him today at the office
'You know Patrick right? He asked.
He came to see Patrick today.

He sighed 'Ok let me just cut to the chase. I met Ugo today' he concluded.
Linda had showed him his picture one time when they were going through her old photos, so when he saw him with Patrick, he couldn't place the face until Patrick made the introduction and called out his name.

For a brief moment Linda couldn't believe what she had heard. She wanted to be the first to tell him but he beat her to it

'So that's it' he concluded

He snapped his fingers close to her eyes when he saw that she didn't respond to what he just said

'Lindy are you ok? He asked with worry in his voice.

'I'm fine' she smiled when she saw the concern written on his face.
'Its just that you beat me to it, I had planned to tell you about it today. From when I found out he had an office in this town to when my boss asked me to go and negotiate a deal with his ad agency and how he asked me if we could hang out sometime...'

'Oh you knew all this while' he asked feeling relieved.

'I did Tony, I just didn't know how to break it to you', I had mixed feeling and I couldn't place exactly how I felt.

'Hey, hey! Tony said gently using his hands to raise her chin to meet his gaze. 'Hey! I get it, I totally understand how that could make you feel. I mean you loved the guy right? and if what you told me was true, you were going to marry him' He asked

'Yes Tony' She said in affirmation

'So I get the whole mixed feelings part, I'm not in any way threatened by that if anything I want to help you find a way out of this.

We are friends Lindy and how we handle this would affect our relationship greatly so if anything I want to help us find a solution so nothing will threaten what we share. We deal with issues as they come, not blame or wish them away, alright? He said into her eyes.

She let her head fall on his chest and sobbed lightly.

'I don't know what to do Tony. When I saw him my heart skipped. I don't even know if I should be telling you this. Something in me leaped Tony like I wished he was mine.

'I know. It would leaped in mine too you know, I mean you were friends with this guy for a long time and you hadn't seen him in a while now except that day, so what did you expect?

'Look Lindy, I don't feel threatened by that. I know you love me, if its that one sef I know you love me with a capital K' he said proudly.
'I have no doubt about that at all

She smiled and wiped her tears out with the back of her palm. She was very glad the way Tony was handling the issue he knew how fragile she was.

'The matters of the heart can be tricky sometimes' Tony continued
This not something to hid or feel ashamed about, its something to deal with, its something to sit and think through and then come out with a decision, its something you talk about... That's how you find a solution, I'm not going to back off now, together we would fight through our feelings and keep our love standing tall ok?

Linda loved her man, he really knew how to love her, she felt safe with him.

'I love you Tony' she said her voice filled with genuine passion

'You see! I said it, I said I know you love me with a capital K'
They both giggled

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Tuesday 8 November 2016

The Trials of Ugochuckwu continues...

By 13:58
Days turned into weeks and Ugo couldn't help but think about Linda.
He knew he shouldn't feed his thought about her, his head just seemed to have a mind of it's own.

Some days, he found himself comparing Linda to his wife and having to ask himself over and over if he made the right choice.

'Boy I need help!' he exclaimed out loudly to the hearing of his wife as they sat in the living room together.

'Need help for what?' Sarah asked.

'No its nothing, its just work related.' he lied.

'Ugo,' she called out gently, we have been married for six years now and you think I wouldn't know when you are lying or when something is bothering you?' She asked.

Ugo opened his mouth in shock. He thought he was doing a great job at concealing his feelings. He was wrong. She could see through him but he still wasn't sure how he was going to tell her and worse still what her response would be.
What should he do? He thought to himself

'And I also know that I'm not the only friend you have or love to talk with' she continued 'that's why there's Ola and Patrick there for you in case you need to speak, don't bottle things up seek help when you need to.' she added.

Ola and Patrick were Ugo's best friends at least until she came along and she knew they still maintained that bound. Ola was more mature probably because of his age so Ugo found it easier to talk with him instead.

'But if it is about throwing a surprise birthday party for me that's weighing you down' she said smiling, 'Then my Bukola would be your contact' she giggled at him.

He had completely forgotten about his wife's birthday coming up in two weeks time.
Wow!!!! This is not good' he chided himself mentally.
He smiled outwardly to his wifey but inwardly he was confused.

'I know that look Macho! Its a surprise birthday party but you are not telling' she smiled at Ugo.

'Lips sealed' Ugo responded feigning excitement.
He took a glass of water and picked up his car keys from the table.

'I'll be back soon' he said and pecked his wife on the cheek.
He headed for the door. He needed help and he needed it badly...

Sarah watched him drive away and knew something was wrong. She had to find a way to get it out, or better still a way to solve the mystery.

'But what can I do? She reasoned.

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Monday 7 November 2016

Trials of Ugochukwu continues...

By 02:51
Trials of Ugochukwu continues...

A month after the award night, Ugochukwu siting in his office could still play the whole scene in his mind and all that transpired that day. Even what happened later between him and his wife after his little work he had to do in his study.

'Life is good', he thought to himself.

Today, he was expecting a new client, that was referred to him by one of his long standing client. Since it was a referral, he knew he had to kill with his first impression or else he might not get the deal.

He adjusted his shirt for the third time that morning, he knew he dressed well but first impression mattered a lot.

Soon he heard a knock at the door. He quickly adjusted the files on his table, stole a quick glance at the mirror before walking to open the door.

He was expecting a woman in her mid- fifty but he was shocked at the sight before him and for ten seconds he just stood looking without saying a word.

Mrs Adams was the first to break the silence

'Hi, I'm Mrs Adams an intending Client' she said stretching out her hand for a hand shake.

'Linda!!!' Ugo called back at her and gave her a bear hug and loosened his grip
'Come in' he said directing her to come inside the office as he shut the door

She walked in and sat down waiting for Ugo! She already felt awkward. All she wanted was to get done with the deal and head back straight to her office.

When her boss told her she would be the one to negotiate with the Advertising agency she prayed it was not the one owned by Ugo. But now she had to face it or get queried at the office. That wasn't a better option.

'Long time Linda, how and where have you been' Ugo said immediately he sat down. She still looked beautiful as ever as for a moment he wished she was his wife. He swallowed to kill the thought from rising up.

'Well, I have been fine' she said with a smile obviously trying to hide her uneasiness.

'Relax Linda, its Ugo oh' he said sensing her discomfort.

'I'm relaxed, I just want to get done with this so I would head back to the office. I have a lot on my table' she lied.

'Ok' he said. So let's begin'

They soon became engrossed with the negotiations and counter negotiations until a deal was struck.
He was to deliver a sample advert for approval in a weeks time and then commence work when 70% of the money had been paid to him. During the whole negotiations, Ugo occasionally stole glances at her just to be sure he wasn't dreaming. Soon they were done.

'Alright, I should be on my way now' she said dropping the pen she used in signing the pre contract agreement.

'Yeah, you should' Ugo replied.
So do you want to maybe hang out sometime or something' he asked

'I thought you had a wife' she said standing up and walking towards the door.

'Oh yes I do' he said unable to stop steering at her
'Its just for a drink to catch up on our lives and family' he responded

'If it will be done with your wife and kids present and my husband and son present too, then that's ok by me' she said

'Oh ok, that's fine' he lied. I would work out a time and get back to you.

He opened the door for her and watched her walk away.

'Wait, I don't have your number anymore, how do I reach you to let you know when I have worked something out?' he asked

'You can come to the office, you have the address in the document I gave to you'

'Ok, thanks a lot'
She walked out and Ugo shut the door behind her.

Linda closed her eyes for a brief moment and breathed out, that was when she released that she has been holding her breathe the whole time...

'It was not as hard as I imagined' she said to herself.

Ugo tried hard to get the picture of linda his one time best friend off his mind but he couldn't.
She hadn't changed much except for tummy that was slightly protruded. Maybe nobody would have noticed it, but he did because it was Linda, his Linda.

He got up from his chair and paced around the office to try and compose himself, still no progress

'Maybe a glass of water would do' he reasoned
He walked to the mini fridge in his office to get a chilled bottle of water from it.

His phone rang and he quickly took the water from the fridge before checking who the caller was.

It was his wife.

Maybe he should just tell her' he imagined. No, I can manage' he concluded

'Hello Angel' he spoke into the receiver
She blushed on the other end before responding

'Hi Macho! She replied. Is everything ok over there? She asked

Yeah why?

Well I just had the strange feeling you needed to talk'

Hmmm!!! It never ceased to amaze him anytime she does that she was highly intuitive and that scared him sometimes. However, he wasn't going to bother her about this simple matter at least for once

'You always amaze me Sarah' he replied. Its nothing that I can't manage baby, I will be fine' he said.

'So has your long awaited client showed up yet?' She asked

He remembered he had told her about the expected visit.

'I just finished with the Client'. He wanted to tell her more but decided against it

'I actually wanted to talk with you' he lied

'I wanted you to know how lucky I am to be your husband and the father of our kids'

'Emmm Ugo' she said blushing again
'When you start this line of conversation, you know you are inviting trouble, and you know what I can do' she teased

Ugo smiled. Oh yes he knew

'Really? He asked 'please do your worse'

'That would be raping you, you mean?'
They both bursted out laughing and soon their conversation was over.
He loved his wife, she really was his friend that's the more reason he needed to get the image of Linda off his mind...

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Sunday 6 November 2016

PRIDE'S PROFILE by Thercee Murdee

By 14:57
My name is Pride..rude, arrogant and ungrateful..that's me.
My logo is: 'I can get whatsoever I need whenever and however'.

You can find me lurking in the deepest part of man's heart, yet I always have a way of showing forth myself.

One minute I'm sneering at a rather unfortunate person because they are not my kind, the next minute I'm taking the praise that was never mine in the first place.

I'm really good at making men fall, even those that claim they possess my counterpart.

I don't play games when I subtlety let men ignore friend's advice, so they unknowingly take the down turn. But I hardly take the blames.

I'm quite old, Old enough to have seen old and young men of different race go down the drain because I got stuck in them, yet I don't care. My only regret is that though I can be in all men, there are some that seem to subdue me, they follow the 'Greatest Master', he's actually the only one that can break me down.

They submit to Him and he daily teaches them to subdue me and learn to give all glory to Him.

Its a known fact that He alone deserves all praise, yet I still can't help but struggle for what's not mine...

So... that's me, My name is Pride and you just read my profile!

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Saturday 5 November 2016


By 01:52

The trials of Ugochukwu would continue in a bit. But there's something I would like to share.


Yeah you read that right. For those of you who stay in Benin city (our very own ancient city) or have had cause to stay there, you would be able to relate with this.

You know the way the Benin akara taste? Crunchy, rough on the edges and super tasty? Well I found the recipe to make it crunchy. Thanks to my hubby.

After grinding the beans, they add garri to the mix to give it those rough edges, so anytime I make akara, I add garri to it and it gives it those rough edges

But today, I decided to do something different...

There was this raw groundnut that has been laying unused in the kitchen for sometime now, and I decided to add it to the beans and blend it together.

'What of if it doesn't turn out well?' I questioned

Well I decided to take the risk.

I didn't tell hubby about it incase it didn't turn out well I wouldn't hear

"I didn't like the idea in the first place" lolzzzz

So off I went with my new 'experiment'

And I blended both and after the blending added garri and other stuff to it and fried...

Guess what???
It turned out great! it turned out really nice.
And my hubby that has international standard taste bud(I think its only my hubby that has that #winks) gave it a BIG pass mark

Boy!!! I was proud of my self and here's the lesson: "DON'T be afraid to try something New! Something different" cos you never know the invention you may come up with.

Shebi the popular Coke we drink was even 'accidental' sef and till date Coke is my Mum's favourite soft drink.


Don't be afraid to try something new, get out of the routine... Do something exciting for yourself.

Today is Saturday peeps!!! Go have fun and try something different today!!!

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Thursday 3 November 2016

The Trials of Ugochukwu

By 02:43
"My name is Ugochukwu and I run a successful Ad agency. I work with a Ten member team and together we deliver amazing jobs to our Client"

That was Ugo giving a brief bio about himself and what he does. He had won an award for best Advertising agency of the year and journalist flocked around him waiting to interview him at the end of the award night.
Ugo is a tall, dark and very handsome man and his outfit was a perfect complement for his skin tone. He wore a black Brioni suit with white inner shirt and a black tie to match and for shoes, he wore Gucci designers.
He smelled of affluence and an affluent man he was.

His style and wealth got a lot of ladies drooling for him anytime he made an appearance, he however never seemed to notice as he always looks lovingly on his wife and two kids or so he thought...

He rolled with the high class in the society and has clients from all over the world yet he was humble or so he thought...
Still he had no idea of the fate that was about to befall him...
They got home at about 9pm that night and he was fagged out. The award ceremony took a toll on him and all he wanted to do was to sleep till the next day but that wouldn't happen until maybe in two or three hours time. He had a job to deliver soon and he had limited time to get it done.

"The kids are asleep now" his wife Sarah whispered into his ears as she joined him on the bed were he was sitting with his eyes shut trying to relax

"Oh thank you honey, I know it was my turn to put them to bed tonight, but I feel really tired and all I want to do is to sleep" he said this last phrase like a baby as he let his head rest on his wife's chest.

She smiled because she knew where that action would end
"I know what this your head wants, but right now that not what it needs". I'll go downstairs and make you a hot cup of coffee to help you stay awake alittle" she said
She wore her flip flop and walked downstairs. Her husband would join her later since his study was downstairs too.

They lived in a duplex all alone, Ugo loved his privacy a lot and didn't want any interference whatsoever so they didn't hire any extra help except for the security man at the gate. They both agreed that Sarah would work from home so she can have time for the kids and the house and since she was a writer she loved the idea.

He took off his clothes except his boxers and singlet and strolled lazily to the kitchen to join his wife.
She poured the already brewed coffee in a mug for him and pointed towards the door of his study.
He gave a knowing smile and watched his wife walk stylishly back to the bedroom.

He loved his wife so much, as she has been a huge support for his dreams all along.

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Thursday 27 October 2016

When sleep takes over...

By 06:01

I used to hear a friend of mine say that she wonders how some people can manage to sleep in a noisy environment, and whenever she said that, I would nod my head in agreement until it happened to me!

Back in the University, a couple of us went out to buy stuffs in bulk for the month from school and we stopped to blend the tomatoes and pepper.
And you know the 'Grrrrrrrr...' sound it makes when the engine is on. You will not believe that with all that noise Yours truly that was placed to 'guard' our tomatoes dozed off... And dozed off peacefully at that. lolzz.

You can imagine my embarrassment when I heard my name.
VERA!!!!!! are you sleeping with all the noise?

I couldn't even reply. Lolz
That's a sure sign that when the body says YES to sleep 'Nathing' can say No!

So I found this cute photos of some awkward positions that some kids took to sleep and I could not help but laugh at some and open my mouth in shock at others and I thought to share them with you.

So here the are.

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Sunday 23 October 2016

Short story: Neither Pagans nor Pigs by Thercee Murdee

By 22:05

The old man was looking very dejected. He wasn't exactly old. I would guess him to be in his late forties if asked his age, he approached me rather in slow motion and if not for courtesy sake, I would have just ignored him.

'Good day Sir' I finally greeted him when he got closer.

'My dear, how are you?'

'Fine sir' I replied. To avoid wasting time I asked immediately, 'is there a problem sir?'

I didn't know what exactly to expect as an answer, but just then he spoke

'I'm looking for an apartment. For months now I have been on the search all to no avail, the ones house agents have been showing me is more than I can afford. My land lady would have long kicked me out if not because of God and much plea as my rent has long expired. Please my dear do you know of any vacant apartment, at least let me check if I'll be able to afford it?'.

It was as if he was almost in tears, immediately my near arrogance turned to sympathy.

'You mean people still go through this ordeal?' I thought within myself.

'Sorry sir' I said compassionately. 'I think I can help you, but I just hope the help lasts long' I continued.

'What do you mean last long?' he asked as if frustrated.

'Let's walk down sir, I'll explain as we go on'
I began to tell the man the story I was able to gather all the while I've been living in the area.

'The house is actually the last one down the road, its a bungalow building but a combination of two flats. For a long time I'll say five years, more than 10 occupants have stayed and left, so its just the landlord and his wife and two teenagers left.

'Why? The man asked.

'We can't exactly tell', I continued. 'Those who lived in there hardly give us the full story when they come out. For a while, I heard it's because the wife of the owner is very wicked, then i also I heard that weird things happen there at night'.

'Ha!!!' The elderly man screamed and automatically stopped walking.

'Abeg oga, I'm in a hurry o, let's keep walking, we'll soon get there'.

At that the man moved on but his face still carried the shock.

'Sorry my dear', he said apologetically.

'As I was saying, I can't tell which of the story is true but I've been there a couple of times on an errand by my father and found nothing suspicious, though I've never been there at night. Believe me, they seem nice people, but you never can tell you know'

'Here's the place', I pointed to the white gate as we reached the house of the Folade's. It looked beautiful when you looked from outside, 'that's only the outside 'I reminded myself.

'Thank you' the man said coolly, his face wasn't looking as dejected as it was when I first saw him.

'I'll leave now. I wish you the best', I said as I walked away, leaving him to himself,' what will be his decision, given this story I just gave him?', I thought to myself in pity for his situation.
'Mum, I'm out' I called as I hurried out of the gate. 'I must meet Uju in her house today, I said to myself. Just as I stepped out of the gate I heard a voice few steps beside me saying

'hello!!' On turning, I saw a familiar face. The same stranger I had given the ancient story of the Folade's house to. He was full of smiles and this time was looking very well. He wasn't alone, looking at the woman by his side, you could tell that it was his wife.

With much surprise in my eyes I spoke at once

'Good day Sir, its nice to see you. This one you are around the area, does it mean what I think it is?'

'Oh yes,exactly what you think. I moved into the Folade's vacant apartment', Meet my wife by the way,' he said.

'Good day ma, I quickly greeted. Please I'll really love to hear your turn around story if you don't mind, I said.
'But we have to keep moving, I added. I'm in a hurry.

'Always in a hurry', the man said laughing.
'No problem, we are as well heading to the junction to get some things from Mama Chike's super market'.
That was the biggest and well stocked super market in my area.

'After you left me with the awful story', he began
'I still had to go and see things for myself given how desperate I was. As I got into the compound, I met both the man and his wife and shared my story with them. They were really sympathetic and immediately told me to move in. When I asked the cost, I was surprised to hear an amount half what I had been paying for years where I was living. To clear the air I told them what I learnt about people not staying long with them. My dear you won't believe what I heard from the horses mouth'. He fell silent.

'Please go ahead sir', I pleaded, 'remember I said I was in a hurry'
'My daughter, the truth is they had a strict tenant policy. Whenever they discovered any violation, they would refund what's left of the rent and send such tenants packing. Too bad, the number has been increasing'.

' Ehen??? 'what sort of policy is that?' I couldn't help but ask.

'Its simple,' he continued, 'Non acceptance of Pagans or Pigs. You can imagine people went as far as lying that they were christians, but you know its impossible to keep that lie for long. I am glad I'm not just a christian but by God's grace I'm a lover of cleanliness too. Nothing will make me leave there until God says its time. So that is it oo my dear'. He said on a final note

'Unbelievable!!' I screamed.

This time I was the one left standing in surprise.

'I'll see you around,' I heard him say as he left with his wife.
'And hope when next we meet you won't be in a hurry?' He laughed.

Hope you enjoyed it guys?
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Friday 21 October 2016

A FireFlyStory

By 03:31

While we were growing up as kids, we were told never to kill a firefly or else we would weewee on the bed at night.

My God! I believed!!!, who wouldn't!

Because I mean who wants to weewee on the bed. If you had the kind of grandma I had growing up, "weeweeing" on the bed was an unpardonable and unforgivable offence. Not only would she give you a scar you won't forget in a hurry the dreadful part was her threat to tell your future children of the weewee episode. I mean nobody wants that. lolzzz.

But a couple of days back,my husband and I took a walk at about 6pm and on our way back home (that's after the suya buying and all. #winks) we walked through a path that had an amazing site.

The grasses by the path we walked through was lighted up by fireflies...
It was a beautiful site and with the kind of husband I married he caught two of them and took it home.

So I got curious(the usual me) and I found out some amazing facts about fire flies that I want to share with you.

1. The light they produce is actually a signal to communicate with themselves especially with their mates in courtship. Imagine that!!! And the funny thing is they have a variety of ways they do that. Either a steady glow, a flash or use of chemical signals
(Does that ring a bell somewhere???
Clue: female folks when she's interested or not...I didn't say a word .lolz)

2. They hibernate over winter and for some species they hibernate over a period of years. Wow!!!! Talk about science fiction movie.

3. Another crazy fact is that the light produced by the firefly is the most efficient light ever made.( God is just too AWESOME!!!)It has almost 100% of the energy in light. Our normal light bulb only emits 10% of its energy as light and the other 90%as heat. Hmmm... The Creator remains the best Creator ever.

4. Its has a variety of colours, yellow, light red, green and orange.

5. At a particular time of the year all the fire flies in a particular area simultaneously light up together. The reason for this is still unknown but it is speculated that this is done to identify their different species or to ward off predators from coming close... There is actually a place in America where people go at that time of the year to view that beautiful sight.

And finally it is NOT to be eaten! Its actually poisonous to predators because of the chemicals they produce Not like anybody would want to eat it though, so I'm just saying. Lolz

So which quality do you love most?

Hoping to hearing from you.

Sources: wikipedia and www.mnn.com
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Tuesday 18 October 2016


By 04:13

I saw these shoes and I'm like "Huh???
I know we should think outside the box and be creative and all but this is way overrrrrr the box. Lolz

What do you think of them shoes?
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