Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Friday 8 April 2016

A Perfect Heart...

By 10:51
Have you ever observed this trend in yourself or maybe with someone else.
The trend is about creating conditions or certain situations in your mind which if present would make you truly happy.
I know there are some really good things that you could have that could surely make you wear that happy face,giving me sharwarma right now could do that to me right away. lolzz
But I'm talking about real lasting happiness... I'm talking about these kind of statements
"If I can just get that house,gush I will be happy for life"
"Or if I can get that job,all my problems would be solved"
I could go on and on and I know you already know my line of thoughts right now. I used to say that too until I finally realised that when I get the stuff I so badly need I would need something else too. Of course that would make me happy but it would be temporary because I would want another thing too,just on and on,it just never stops.

The truth is, you might never get a perfect condition for everything in this life. I'm sure when we get to heaven that's when that would happen. But here,its never going to be perfect.

What should we do then? You may ask
This is what helps you to stay truly happy. I Have tried this so I know what I'm talking about. So why don't you try it out. Learn to be grateful for little things right now. You may not have your dream life but trust me when I say your life right now is some else's idea of a dream life.

"No you can't be serious" you would say. "My life! Some else's dream, you have no idea how it is that's why you are talking like that"
But hey! I do.
Let me give you an example right away. From time to time,I like to sort out my wardrobe and do some rearranging. So I did that a couple of months ago. There were clothes that were still good but was now smaller than me ( no thanks to my love for food), there were others that needed amending. While there were others that eh using them as rag sef would be bad. So I packed those ones up in a nylon bag and threw them in the dustbin because I couldn't give them to anybody(I see giving to people as giving to the Lord and it would be the height of disrespect to give GOD rags...can't even imagine it) so I couldn't give it to people.
But guess what? After I threw those clothes in the nylon bag in a dump,I went out to buy something from a near by shop only for me to see two guys checking the bag to pick out some of the clothes. I almost wept... These same clothes I couldn't wear or even give away, somebody was grateful I 'threw' them away. My trash was some else's boutique... Wow!!!!!
That got me thinking really hard and made me grateful for the little things I have now,it may not be what I want right now but I will get there someday. But before I do, I will be grateful for the little things I have now. I will put me on some attitude of thanks living. Yeah! Not just thanks giving but living. Living everyday in thanks for what I have now.

That's the only way to be truly happy. That's one of the meaning of having a perfect heart.

Question: DO YOU HAVE ONE?
I leave you to brood on that.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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