Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Thursday 7 April 2016

Downside Up

By 03:58
2009 was the first time I heard him talk,it was at a conference in Benin City,Edo State. He was not just a motivational speaker,he was an inspiration,a life coach and an example of a miracle.

Born with a silver spoon, Olakunle Soriyan had all he needed to channel his life in the right path,but after he finished secondary school he ventured into many social vices. From cultism to drug addiction and many other vices

"By the time I gained admission,I joined a cult and it was not an interesting life. When I was in 400 Level as an economic student,I was not in my final year because I was doing seven to nine carry over courses per semester from year one. I have tasted everything from chewing gum to cocaine".
That was his testimony.

By the time he was in 400 Level, he could not talk normally because he always salivated and his words would drop.
He was eventually rusticated from the university and he continued with his deviant behaviour. His testimony continues.

"One year after I left school,I gave my life to Christ and that was the point of change in my life...and the only way I can define my life from that point is that I went Mad and by that madness I have done a lot of great stuffs."

He returned to the Lagos State University (LASU) he had left, to start from scratch. Same faculty,same course,same lecturers but children as classmate. He remained in that school pursuing his certificate for 12 years. He revealed that he was a refuse collector in Lagos State.

"Before pushing cart from house to house became popular in Lagos State,nobody pushed cart and refuse before me,I am the one that started it. When I did refuse collection and saved some money,I began to fumigate from house to house;carrying fumigation machine as an undergraduate in LASU. I moved from there and began to sell barbecue (suya) at Charley Bus stop. In Gbagada. The night I started,I was arrested by operation sweep for illegal hustling,which is understandable. They brought me back the next day and everything was burnt. So I had to start all over again. Doing that barbecue,I made my first one million naira.
I can tell you that I am a planner and strategist but I have made most of my biggest breakthrough not through strategic planning but by error,trial and providence."

Despite graduating with a 'third class' in Economics, Olakunle Soriyan is a voice to be reckoned with in the business and cooperate world.

I strongly believe that his experiences created a passion in him to add value to the society creating the establishment of Olakunle Soriyan Company, a research driven,nation building and total management firm, single- mindedly focused on using original and home-grown methodology to solve complex problems peculiar to business, government, families, youths and individuals in African and the so- called third world.

Today, credible people from profit and non- profit organisations, from diverse sectors and industries consistently engage Olakunle Soriyan as a speaker, facilitator, trainer, negotiator, mediator and even a preacher.

You too can turn your downside up!
" Unto him that believes,all things are possible".

Credit: iPledge2Nigeria.com
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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