Everybody Has A Story To Tell

Friday 15 April 2016

Preparatory Time...

By 06:53
I was called in for an interview a few days ago and one of the questions I was asked was: "Can you type?"
I smiled at my interviewer and answered. But before I tell you what my answer was, let me tell you a story first. Come with me...

I never went to a formal computer school well because I couldn't afford it at that time,but I did learn else where.

I was in 300L university of Benin and we were on Hols,so I figured I should make a little money before school resumed.
I talked with someone and he said I could help him sell snacks and drinks in his business centre.
Well that was ok by me,at least I would carry my school books and read while I was at it. And so I resumed. While I was selling snacks I pleaded with the computer operator to teach me how to type and after much plea he agreed and I learnt a little.
When there was much typing work to do at the business centre I would beg the guy to allow me type so I could learn in the process. And so I did and there were times he wasn't around and I did the jobs myself. But school resumed and I had to go back but I couldn't get any computer to use. But what I learnt was stuck with me.

Fast forward to my first legal job after law school. I was the only lawyer at the firm at that time with the secretary. But she was the type that loved to be begged to do her job and I was looking forward to pushing her aside and getting the job done. When my boss found out I could type, he got me to do some of the jobs and actually preferred me to do the job.

All this while,instead of seeing it like I was doing a job that wasn't for me, I saw it as an opportunity to learn something new and I used every opportunity to do that.

Then the other two jobs I got after that I used the same opportunity to learn something new that wasn't necessary 'my job'. All the while I kept telling myself that I may not be doing a job I love to do (by the way that includes litigation...don't really dig it much) but I was preparing myself for my next job or my dream job.

So back to the interview... "Can you type"?
My answer was a smiling yes.

You may be at a place that you don't really like to be or doing a job you really don't love. Just know that there is something you can learn there that you would use in the future. Don't just sit there and complain about how bad you hate the job,there is something or a least one thing that will be useful in that place.
Find that one thing and do it because you never know when those skills will be needed.

What if I had said how will a 'whole me' be selling egg roll and minerals. But yes 'a whole me' sold it and learnt how to type in the process.
There is always something to learn because each step serves as PREPARATION for the next.
Don't miss your preparatory time. Seize it and make the most of it.

And oh! By the way,I got the job and its so close to my dream job and guess what? I see this as preparation for the next one...how do you see yours?...

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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